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CadQuery GUI editor based on PyQT3 Servers

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20 Nov 2023
@_discord_209043174960660490:t2bot.iojernd Yeah, totally understand and agree with your complaint about dependencies. If you want to fork my CQ-editor I can probably show you how to disable the dark mode stuff (that was the original reason I created my fork, but then it expanded to include better build123d support).

Side note: if you are just using CQ-editor as a viewer then can't you just adjust the color scheme of the viewer window? Are you needing to use other panes of CQ-editor for your use-case?
@_discord_128252896214122497:t2bot.ioqlum It was mostly an ask, yea that has been my workaround for now, though some other things are still useful such as enabling / disabling objects, in it. It's really not that big a deal, original question was mostly just wondering if it was somewhat easy. 15:59:43
@_discord_847186556204220426:t2bot.ioscottwr joined the room.18:43:10
21 Nov 2023
@_discord_823698914636595253:t2bot.iomichelpas joined the room.13:05:35
@_discord_921162515172446229:t2bot.iotapadar joined the room.15:15:24
@_discord_834760017029627924:t2bot.iolightlyskewed joined the room.16:40:15
22 Nov 2023
Download obelisk_01.png
@_discord_856491369765928971:t2bot.iomedicationforall Butting in a bit. Thanks to this conversation I installed OCP CAD Viewer which was pretty painless to get running! All in all it's pretty cool.

qlum to your point about making a threejs viewer. I made one in a streamlit app as a proof of concept. https://obeliskterrain.streamlit.app/
code is available under Apache 2.0 license https://github.com/medicationforall/obeliskterrainapp
You might be interested in the viewer code https://github.com/medicationforall/obeliskterrainapp/blob/main/js/stl-viewer.js

I cheat and export the cadquery model as an stl and import that into three.js. I set up the javascript canvas viewer as an iframe on the streamlit page.
That avoids some of the ui interaction repainting shenanigans that streamlit has because the iframe is isolated from streamlit proper.

It's not perfect and can definitely be improved upon. Let me know when you make something better!
@_discord_128252896214122497:t2bot.ioqlum Not that productive in my spare time, could just as well end up with something relying on a simple step export. 14:14:44
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_689109788541714552:t2bot.iomatt2110m joined the room.15:37:24
24 Nov 2023
@_discord_234246004424179712:t2bot.ioapostolos. joined the room.13:53:25
25 Nov 2023
@_discord_1178054341744132247:t2bot.iolebleu0848 joined the room.19:35:30
@_discord_481019381623554049:t2bot.iocridez joined the room.20:52:45
26 Nov 2023
@_discord_486261396514799616:t2bot.iotrayracing. joined the room.16:55:59
@_discord_305642795706744833:t2bot.iocoedo joined the room.19:24:45
27 Nov 2023
@_discord_1055091593608179763:t2bot.iodickhead1612 joined the room.12:54:16
@_discord_1178681124935974944:t2bot.iopete_85256 joined the room.12:58:23
@_discord_620262792489861122:t2bot.iophilon joined the room.14:24:46
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_143497123588079616:t2bot.iolimepod joined the room.19:15:49
@_discord_1065347008925270066:t2bot.ioan11 joined the room.19:54:18
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_344042172468690947:t2bot.iotrafopajka joined the room.18:25:12
30 Nov 2023
@_discord_751494656868614224:t2bot.ioshitron 07:17:58
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_643692926890934273:t2bot.iomarkymark_hh Can confirm OCP CAD Viewer 2.0.6 running on Win10 and startup is as expected. But there is a strange (?) issue:

show(test, measure_tools=False, grid=False)

Called without additional parameters does not show the grid (as this is the default, right?). But this combination actually switches the grid ON without the ability even to switch the grid OFF manually in the viewer. Can somebody please try to confirm. bernhard42
@_discord_922552307290361876:t2bot.ioobsoleszenz joined the room.10:17:03
@_discord_825395471031861309:t2bot.iobernhard42 Yes, this is a bug.
What actually works is show(test, measure_tools=False, grid=(True, False, True))
grid=False should expand to grid=(False,False,False), but obviously doesn't
@_discord_896482168103125002:t2bot.ioroger_maitland tuplify to the rescue! 17:10:38
@_discord_643692926890934273:t2bot.iomarkymark_hh OK, thanks for confirming. Glad that is no crazy thing happening only on my side. Grüße m. 17:13:05
3 Dec 2023
@_discord_243123059991511051:t2bot.iosporewoh joined the room.02:41:01
@_discord_267672661587394562:t2bot.iomfritz joined the room.10:47:09
5 Dec 2023
@_discord_127042246922076160:t2bot.iodeanzyne joined the room.18:09:50

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