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CadQuery GUI editor based on PyQT3 Servers

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27 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org joined the room.16:23:32
29 Jul 2024
@thompson_1:matrix.org@thompson_1:matrix.org left the room.23:09:16
10 Sep 2024
@dizel.org:matrix.orgDizel joined the room.13:22:59
17 Sep 2024
@whl:matrix.orgwwhl joined the room.09:23:01
8 Jun 2022
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvor set the history visibility to "world_readable".19:19:35
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvor set the room name to "CQ-editor".19:19:35
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvor set the room topic to "CadQuery GUI editor based on PyQT".19:19:35
Room Avatar Renderer.20:15:30
13 Jun 2022
@lorenzn:matrix.orglorenzn joined the room.22:59:56
15 Jun 2022
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvorchanged room power levels.16:30:29
28 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping joined the room.21:14:01
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping left the room.21:14:15
29 Jun 2022
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvor invited @_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge.15:16:53
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge joined the room.15:16:55
@jarshvor:matrix.orgjarshvor!discord bridge 964330484911972403 96433111458606290815:17:23
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord BridgeI'm asking permission from the guild administrators to make this bridge.15:17:23
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5 Jul 2022
@_discord_944119318554243094:t2bot.iosethfischer#4882 joined the room.00:14:33
@_discord_944119318554243094:t2bot.iosethfischer#4882 It would be handy if CQ-editor included its dependencies in setup.py. This would mean a smoother pip install git+https://github.com/CadQuery/CQ-editor.git. Although we maybe shouldn't pin cadquery=master as it is in cqgui_env.yml 00:14:33
@_discord_944119318554243094:t2bot.iosethfischer#4882 I have some time on Friday. I'll create a draft PR 21:27:33
8 Jul 2022
@_discord_944119318554243094:t2bot.iosethfischer#4882 I've created this draft pull request which adds CQ editor dependencies to setup.py for pip installation https://github.com/CadQuery/CQ-editor/pull/357 06:09:09
@_discord_756302361747652649:t2bot.iosimula.tier joined the room.08:45:25
@_discord_209043174960660490:t2bot.ioJern#4673 joined the room.13:33:15
@_discord_209043174960660490:t2bot.ioJern#4673 Nice, just tried to install cq-editor via conda into a new env and it ran overnight and still wasn't finished... 👨‍💻 13:33:15
@_discord_209043174960660490:t2bot.ioJern#4673 conda "we let you create envs so you can create stable development environments" also conda "reinstall me from scratch every 2 months" 13:37:18
@_discord_719247102848532493:t2bot.iothebluedirt(Dave)#9960 joined the room.13:39:11
@_discord_719247102848532493:t2bot.iothebluedirt(Dave)#9960 hah i'd been developing happily with virtualenv for a decade before i learned from conda that an environment is big and complex enough it has to be 'solved' 13:39:12
@_discord_719247102848532493:t2bot.iothebluedirt(Dave)#9960 ignorance is bliss i guess: [pip+requirements.txt] 13:39:52
@_discord_209043174960660490:t2bot.ioJern#4673 my issue is that, ok if that is how long it takes then sure, the problem is that I have recently done a conda install and it was done in a few minutes 13:40:46
@_discord_719247102848532493:t2bot.iothebluedirt(Dave)#9960 no eta stinks. same thing with a mac update or a windows update. 13:41:16

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