
Drogue IoT

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28 Feb 2024
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgyeah that fixed it!23:09:34
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgThanks so much!23:11:08
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgAre there any examples of setting up a TLS connection using a X509 cert?23:38:24
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgUsing embedded-tls23:38:44
29 Feb 2024
@lulf_:matrix.orglulf Adam Hott: On no-std you have to provide your own CertVerifier implementation (see https://docs.rs/embedded-tls/0.17.0/embedded_tls/trait.TlsVerifier.html) combined with passing the certificates you're going to use in the TlsConfig (https://docs.rs/embedded-tls/0.17.0/embedded_tls/struct.TlsConfig.html) using with_cert (also see https://docs.rs/embedded-tls/0.17.0/embedded_tls/blocking/enum.Certificate.html). 04:17:55

thanks lulf ! Here's what I've landed on so far, but I need a host url for the new() function in the implementation. Is there a service that can verify via the internet? Also I'm running into an error with CertificateVerify not existing in the embedded-tls crate. I tried to import it via the handshake module, but it says it's private and for internals only.

struct MyCertVerifier;

impl MyCertVerifier {
pub fn new() -> Self {
MyCertVerifier {}

impl<'a, CipherSuite> TlsVerifier<'a, CipherSuite> for MyCertVerifier
CipherSuite: embedded_tls::TlsCipherSuite + 'a, // This bounds CipherSuite to the trait and the lifetime

fn new (host: Option<&'a str>) -> Self {
    MyCertVerifier {}

fn verify_signature(
    &mut self,
    verify: CertificateVerify<'_>
) -> Result<(), TlsError> {

fn verify_certificate(
    transcript: &CipherSuite::Hash,
    ca: &Option<Certificate<'_>>,
    cert: Certificate<'_>
) -> Result<(), TlsError> {
    // Need certificate verification logic here


In reply to @greengenie:matrix.org

thanks lulf ! Here's what I've landed on so far, but I need a host url for the new() function in the implementation. Is there a service that can verify via the internet? Also I'm running into an error with CertificateVerify not existing in the embedded-tls crate. I tried to import it via the handshake module, but it says it's private and for internals only.

struct MyCertVerifier;

impl MyCertVerifier {
pub fn new() -> Self {
MyCertVerifier {}

impl<'a, CipherSuite> TlsVerifier<'a, CipherSuite> for MyCertVerifier
CipherSuite: embedded_tls::TlsCipherSuite + 'a, // This bounds CipherSuite to the trait and the lifetime

fn new (host: Option<&'a str>) -> Self {
    MyCertVerifier {}

fn verify_signature(
    &mut self,
    verify: CertificateVerify<'_>
) -> Result<(), TlsError> {

fn verify_certificate(
    transcript: &CipherSuite::Hash,
    ca: &Option<Certificate<'_>>,
    cert: Certificate<'_>
) -> Result<(), TlsError> {
    // Need certificate verification logic here


Ah, the handshake mod should be public, that's a bug. Not sure what you mean by 'verify via the internet'. You basically need to implement the verification yourself (or if you're just playing, you can use the embedded_tls::NoVerify 'verifier').
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.org *

thanks lulf ! Here's what I've landed on so far, but I need a host url for the new() function in the implementation. Is there a service that can verify via the internet? Also I'm running into an error with CertificateVerify not existing in the embedded-tls crate. I tried to import it via the handshake module, but it says it's private and for internals only.

struct MyCertVerifier;

impl MyCertVerifier {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        MyCertVerifier {}

impl<'a, CipherSuite> TlsVerifier<'a, CipherSuite> for MyCertVerifier
    CipherSuite: embedded_tls::TlsCipherSuite + 'a, // This bounds CipherSuite to the trait and the lifetime

    fn new (host: Option<&'a str>) -> Self {
        MyCertVerifier {}
    fn verify_signature(
        &mut self,
        verify: CertificateVerify<'_>
    ) -> Result<(), TlsError> {

    fn verify_certificate(
        transcript: &CipherSuite::Hash,
        ca: &Option<Certificate<'_>>,
        cert: Certificate<'_>
    ) -> Result<(), TlsError> {
        // Need certificate verification logic here
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgDo you need me to open an issue on the bug?08:36:51
@lulf_:matrix.orglulfSure, either issue or PR if you want.08:37:41
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgOk! so I'm just playing around, HiveMQ requires a TLS connection to connect to their MQTT broker service.08:38:25
@lulf_:matrix.orglulfRight... you can use the NoVerify then if you don't care about verifying :) 08:38:52
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgOk thanks I'll look into it and I'm working on that PR08:40:39
@lulf_:matrix.orglulfadding a pub use handshake::CertificateVerify in the config.rs should do it I think08:41:23
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgthanks, this is my first PR ever08:42:44
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgI really don't know what I'm doin08:42:53
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgyou mean: pub use crate::handshake::certificate_verify::CertificateVerify;08:43:55
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgok so I forked the repo, cloned it to my local computer, created a "bug-fix" branch. Now what should I do?08:47:34
@lulf_:matrix.orglulfpush it to your fork, use the github UI to create a pull request against the embedded-tls main branch08:48:05
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgok thanks!08:48:14
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgIs this an appropriate comment for the PR? When trying to implement CertificateVerify, the compiler notified me that it is not a public. This should be a public Trait lulf.08:59:42
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.org * Is this an appropriate comment for the PR? When trying to implement CertificateVerify, the compiler notified me that it is not a public. This should be a public Trait lulf.08:59:51
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgok I did it, cool!09:00:21
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgthanks for approving, now I can use it!09:01:33

I'm getting some errors that I don't understand:

the traitRngCore is not implemented for Rng

the trait CryptoRng is not implemented for Rng

this is how I'm generating my hardware rng:

//Generate RNG for TLS Encryption
let rng_peripherals = Peripherals::take();

let mut rng_system = rng_peripherals.SYSTEM.split();
let rng_clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(rng_system.clock_control).freeze();

let mut rng_rtc = Rtc::new(rng_peripherals.LPWR);
let rng_timer_group0 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt0 = rng_timer_group0.wdt;
let rng_timer_group1 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt1 = rng_timer_group1.wdt;


let mut rng = Rng::new(rng_peripherals.RNG);

and this is my implementation of the ring:

let tls_context = TlsContext::new(&tls_config, &mut rng);

@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.org *

I'm getting some errors that I don't understand:

the traitRngCore is not implemented for Rng

the trait CryptoRng is not implemented for Rng

this is how I'm generating my hardware rng:

//Generate RNG for TLS Encryption
let rng_peripherals = Peripherals::take();

let mut rng_system = rng_peripherals.SYSTEM.split();
let rng_clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(rng_system.clock_control).freeze();

let mut rng_rtc = Rtc::new(rng_peripherals.LPWR);
let rng_timer_group0 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt0 = rng_timer_group0.wdt;
let rng_timer_group1 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt1 = rng_timer_group1.wdt;


let mut rng = Rng::new(rng_peripherals.RNG);

and this is my implementation of the ring:

let tls\_context = TlsContext::new(&tls\_config, &mut rng);
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.org *

I'm getting some errors that I don't understand:

the traitRngCore is not implemented for Rng

the trait CryptoRng is not implemented for Rng

this is how I'm generating my hardware rng:

//Generate RNG for TLS Encryption
let rng_peripherals = Peripherals::take();

let mut rng_system = rng_peripherals.SYSTEM.split();
let rng_clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(rng_system.clock_control).freeze();

let mut rng_rtc = Rtc::new(rng_peripherals.LPWR);
let rng_timer_group0 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt0 = rng_timer_group0.wdt;
let rng_timer_group1 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt1 = rng_timer_group1.wdt;


let mut rng = Rng::new(rng_peripherals.RNG);

and this is my implementation of the ring:

let tls_context = TlsContext::new(&tls_config, &mut rng);
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.orgthe full code is here: https://github.com/CodingInGreen/esp32c3-robot-wifi-mqtt-tls/blob/master/bin/robotwifi.rs09:24:07
@greengenie:matrix.org@greengenie:matrix.org *

I'm getting some errors that I don't understand:

the traitRngCore is not implemented for Rng

the trait CryptoRng is not implemented for Rng

this is how I'm generating my hardware rng:

//Generate RNG for TLS Encryption
let rng_peripherals = Peripherals::take();

let mut rng_system = rng_peripherals.SYSTEM.split();
let rng_clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(rng_system.clock_control).freeze();

let mut rng_rtc = Rtc::new(rng_peripherals.LPWR);
let rng_timer_group0 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt0 = rng_timer_group0.wdt;
let rng_timer_group1 = TimerGroup::new(
let mut wdt1 = rng_timer_group1.wdt;


let mut rng = Rng::new(rng_peripherals.RNG);

and this is my implementation of the rng:

let tls_context = TlsContext::new(&tls_config, &mut rng);

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