

883 Members
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27 Jan 2021
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoYeah I remember you too15:30:41
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleWhats featured?15:30:51
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoHow do i invite ppl...15:31:04
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to @annualeither:privacytools.io
Whats featured?
Like spotlight photos I guess
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleClick the group name and then add members15:32:28
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleI wish telegram had read receipts, i cant see whos here still15:33:15
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicole changed their display name from annualeither to Nicole.15:35:21
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleChanged my display name15:35:47
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibNice15:36:13
In reply to@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.io
hyper nice
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to @annualeither:privacytools.io
Changed my display name
Nice I was getting confused lol
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleThe bridge isnt carrying pfp properly15:36:29
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleI have a selfie over here15:36:44
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibWhat's hyperbot15:37:03
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleIts a joke bot from element15:37:19
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibOhh15:37:23
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleI can ask the admin here to kick it if you want15:37:38
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to @hyperbot:t2bot.io
hyper nice
Knock knock
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleDuc: it repeats single words and adds hyper15:39:18
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoSick15:39:38
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleThe room was dead before you guys 15:39:39
In reply to@telegram_999618702:t2bot.io
hyper sick
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoBut there are 10 ppl15:39:58
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoThey don’t use this?15:40:09
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleTheres 25 ppl in element ottawa who are connected here15:40:30
In reply to @telegram_999618702:t2bot.io
They don’t use this?
From time to time
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleDid you figure out how to invite?15:41:31
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoI just sent the link15:41:38
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleI couldnt figure out the invite function either15:42:49
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicole I almost met up with Lauren W 15:43:20

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