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27 Jan 2021
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoAlthough idk if she had much to say to us20:05:40
@telegram_1394662653:t2bot.ioLauren WOh lol yea ig20:08:11
@telegram_1394662653:t2bot.ioLauren WJust realized I can have a bunch of different profile pics oops20:08:58
@telegram_1582696430:t2bot.ioKaran VermaWho is dmmeforfreejunkfood20:14:02
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to Karan Verma
Who is dmmeforfreejunkfood
Bro free food is free food, don’t ask questions
@telegram_1582696430:t2bot.ioKaran VermaLmao20:14:48
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to Karan Verma
It’s Nicole btw
@oddlives13:matrix.orgoddlives13 Lauren W: i fall asleep and everything pops off, it's crazy 20:30:37
@haiku:t2bot.ioHaiku Bot
In reply to@oddlives13:matrix.org
Lauren W: i fall asleep and everything pops off, it's crazy
Lauren W: i fall
asleep and everything
pops off, it's crazy
@telegram_1394662653:t2bot.ioLauren W
In reply to Duc Ngo
Bro free food is free food, don’t ask questions
@oddlives13:matrix.orgoddlives13Damn don't make bars out of what i say 20:43:43
@telegram_1582696430:t2bot.ioKaran Vermalooool20:49:15
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar Shoaib
In reply to Lauren W
Just realized I can have a bunch of different profile pics oops
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar Shoaib You weren't joking around with the pictures were you @laurenwolfe 20:52:15
@haiku:t2bot.ioHaiku Bot
In reply to@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.io
You weren't joking around with the pictures were you @laurenwolfe
You weren't joking
around with the pictures were
you @laurenwolfe
@oddlives13:matrix.orgoddlives13 Ashar Shoaib: a cow says ayyyy, a sister says slay haiku bot turns my words and makes 'em to grapes. I drink the remains & get drunk all day these hoes know nothing what can i say 20:54:06
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo
In reply to @haiku:t2bot.io
Lauren W: i fall
asleep and everything
pops off, it's crazy
Now this is a good bot
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar Shoaib
In reply to @oddlives13:matrix.org
Ashar Shoaib: a cow says ayyyy, a sister says slay haiku bot turns my words and makes 'em to grapes. I drink the remains & get drunk all day these hoes know nothing what can i say
What the hell
@telegram_1582696430:t2bot.ioKaran VermaI don't understand what's going on here20:57:57
@telegram_1582696430:t2bot.ioKaran VermaLOL20:58:07
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibI'm as confused as you20:58:11
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoThat makes 3 of is20:58:19
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoUs20:58:20
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibI know Nicole Duc and Karan20:59:02
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibWho's everyone else?20:59:08
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc NgoJo is here too20:59:11
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibWhich one is Jo?20:59:38
@telegram_999618702:t2bot.ioDuc Ngo That’s what I would like to know as well @gingisant 20:59:55
@annualeither:privacytools.ioNicoleJo's on element21:00:06
@telegram_1599931176:t2bot.ioAshar ShoaibIt's Lauren21:00:18

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