
Propensive / Fury

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Fury build tool2 Servers

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20 Nov 2020
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive jozinek An interesting test you could run would be to clone git@github.com:propensive/mercator and just run ./fury inside it. 23:54:26
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive That's the latest "published" version of Fury, which will launch it in "standalone" mode for anyone who doesn't want to install it. 23:55:03
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Meanwhile, I think things are building again. 🙂 23:57:27
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The integration tests will probably fail, but that's probably fine for the moment... 23:57:40
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Hmmm, it looks like Github Actions have changed so it won't even run the unit tests. 23:58:58
[fury:master] 1 new commit

5f1c379 Use latest vent.dev (#1577) - propensive

@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 I confirm mercator can be build 23:59:27
21 Nov 2020
[fury:master] 2 new commits

b055078 Catch reference is not a tree Git error (#1579) - propensive
43055bf Merge branch 'main' into master - propensive

@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 Fury itself still fails to build with make. 00:08:37
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 And also cloning of template layer fails:
~/D/playing-fury ❯❯❯ fury layer clone -l propensive/scala-new -f sample
An unexpected error occurred which could not be logged to disk.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: empty.maxBy
    at scala.collection.TraversableOnce.maxBy(TraversableOnce.scala:241)
    at scala.collection.TraversableOnce.maxBy$(TraversableOnce.scala:239)
    at scala.collection.AbstractTraversable.maxBy(Traversable.scala:108)
    at fury.core.Service$.$anonfun$latest$1(service.scala:54)
[fury:main] 2 new commits

5f1c379 Use latest vent.dev (#1577) - propensive
43055bf Merge branch 'main' into master - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive jozinek Ok, that's good news about Mercator. It means that Fury can run, Bloop can run, and all the issues lie with the Fury build rather than the "published" version of Fury. 15:24:27
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Cloning the template layer, I know about. 15:24:39
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I can fix that today, I think. 15:25:04
22 Nov 2020
@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 removed their profile picture.20:44:12
[fury:issue/1436] 1 new commit

4424398 Use .unfinished instead of .done (with logi... - propensive

@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 set a profile picture.20:55:17
[fury:main] 1 new commit

37d941e Use .unfinished instead of .done (with logi... - propensive

[fury:issue/1582] 1 new commit

e4c982c Maybe fix Github Actions - propensive

@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 propensive I just realised I cannot make any progress with tasks we talked about (build fury itself, simulate the shading problem). First is blocked by non-existing commit and second by cloning the template layer. I will have more time on Tuesday evening, it would be nice if either one of the "blockers" would be solved. Again, I am eager to help with the resolution 😉 22:33:03
23 Nov 2020
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive jozinek What's the issue you get when trying to build Fury at the moment? The issue with the reference to Mercator should be fixed now, and I had it building inside an empty Docker container yesterday, but it might be something else... 00:18:48
[fury:issue/1582] 1 new commit

43592f1 Don't cache in builds - propensive

@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 [fail] 15505 The commit d7d3271 does not exist in the repository. 09:25:58
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 so yes, mercator can be build by fury, but fury cannot be build because of mercator 🙂 09:28:11
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 * so yes, mercator can be build by fury, but fury cannot be built because of mercator 🙂 09:28:22
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 * so yes, mercator can be build by fury, but fury cannot be build because of mercator 🙂 09:28:35
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 it takes the sources from cache, will try to drop it 09:29:42
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 it helped, now I do not have ipfs installed 09:34:58
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 * it helped, now I do not have ipfs installed 09:35:05
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 cool, I have finished the fury installation from sources 09:45:19

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