
Propensive / Fury

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23 Nov 2020
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Great! But what were the issues along the way? 10:49:17
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The cached files didn't contain the right commit? 10:49:49
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 yep 10:49:54
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive How did you fix it? 10:50:02
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 removing the cache 😊 10:50:14
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I guessed so. ;) 10:50:23
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 and installijg ipfs via brew 10:50:37
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 * and installing ipfs via brew 10:50:43
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Hmm. It should install its own version of ipfs... 10:51:16
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive But will use an installed version if there is one. 10:51:32
24 Nov 2020
@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 removed their profile picture.19:51:26
[fury:issue/1583] 1 new commit

4697160 Use latest version of Scala 3 in test - propensive

@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 set a profile picture.19:52:18
[fury:main] 1 new commit

27af2fd Use latest version of Scala 3 in test (#1583) - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I'm around this evening if you need me, jozinek. 20:13:14
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 Actually I wanted to build some real project, but I fail to do so as cloning of layer templates does not work. 20:17:08
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 I had a plan to simulate the shading problem but I think I cannot move on. 20:18:21
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive What does fury about show at the moment? 20:19:02
~/D/fury ❯❯❯ fury about
    / ___/__ __ ____ __ __
   / __/ / // // ._// // /
  /_/    \_._//_/  _\_. /

Fury build tool, version 0.31.0, built 23:25:33 20 November 2020
This software is provided under the Apache 2.0 License.
Fury depends on Bloop, Coursier, Git and Nailgun.
© Copyright 2018-20 Jon Pretty, Propensive OÜ.

See the Fury website at https://fury.build/, or follow @propensive on Twitter
for more information.

    CPUs: 8
  Memory: 70.0MB used, 77.0MB free, 147.0MB total, 3.6GB max

For help on using Fury, run: fury help
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Great. What happens if you try fury layer clone -l propensive/blank? 20:20:12
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Alternatively, I'm just working on the scala/scala3 layer at the moment... 20:20:55
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive (propensive/blank is literally an empty layer.) 20:21:07
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 seems working 🙂 Ah, I thought cloning of all layers is the problem, but now I see the issue is only with propensive/scala-new layer 20:21:36
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive It's effectively broken because it doesn't give you a nice error. 20:21:58
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive With some luck, I can get that fixed tonight. 20:22:09
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive There's one other layer that works at the moment (which is the most interesting one): propensive/probably. 20:23:55
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 ah, I see, I need to include the modules/projects into this empty layer 20:28:20
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 actually this might be a good exercise to create your own scala layer with detailed description how to set sources, compiler, project, etc. 20:30:09
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 project cannot contain underscore 🤔 and outputs The value '-n/--name' is not valid for the parameter --name (-n) 20:32:35
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 same error for module (I guess the code is shared for module/project creation) 20:34:53

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