
Propensive / Fury

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Fury build tool2 Servers

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26 Nov 2020
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Try publishing, and see how badly that's broken... 😉 00:29:03
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive You can check, cat ~/.config/fury/config.fury to see if there's a token listed. 00:29:39
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 yep, there is 00:30:37
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive You should be able to publish, then. 00:30:53
fury layer publish --public --name jozi-k/scala      
Checking that no modules reference local sources
The module contains references to local sources.
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 do I commit the layer? 00:33:01
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive No, it wasn't able to publish because the layer is using sources on your hard disk. 00:33:26
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The idea is that you can publish a layer which depends on external Git repositories, but not if there are local sources. 00:34:05
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 thats right, need to unset the source then? 00:34:27
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive That should do it. 00:34:36
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive If you can add a repo (fury repo add -R gh:jozi-k/whatever) with Scala sources in it, you can add a reference to them. 00:35:21
fury layer publish --public --name jozi-k/scala
Checking that no modules reference local sources
Checking that no project names conflict
Checking that all module references resolve
Publishing layer to service vent.dev
There was an invalid interaction with a third-party service
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Hmm 00:35:31
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive That's what happens when it fails to connect to either GitHub or Piñata (which is the IPFS service which hosts the layer data). 00:36:08
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I'll take a closer look soon. 00:36:26
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I have a few layers to publish, so I need to work it out! 00:36:44
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I could embed the actual error in the response to Fury. 00:37:42
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive At the moment it just sends back the "ThirdPartyError" response. 00:37:55
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 ok, I will try to build some real project 00:38:38
28 Nov 2020
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 Hi propensive I am currently successfully building my sandbox project but only as a lib module, when I try to actually run the code via app module it fails with:
Caused by: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "zio.json.number.bits" "read")

Also tried other project (with different library):
Exception in thread "main" java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "modifyThread")

so it seems like general problem with accessing jvm internals.
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 Actually I cannot push the layer so you would not be able to reproduce this behaviour. 23:07:24
29 Nov 2020
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive jozinek You have two options! 11:42:27
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The idea is that apps invoked by Fury shouldn't just be able to do anything they like. So you need to grant permissions, or disable the security manager. 11:43:22
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive You can run with fury build run --disable-security-manager and everything will work. 11:43:37
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Otherwise, you can add permissions with, for example, fury permission require -C java.lang.RuntimePermission -T modifyThread or fury permission require -C java.util.PropertyPermission -T zio.json.number.bits -A read 11:44:56
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The three relevant parameters are Class, Target and Action, in the order they appear in error messages, and the action is optional. 11:47:08
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The permission require command specifies that your module (and downstream modules) need that permission, but additionally grants it on your system. 11:48:11
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive If you list all the permissions you need as "required" and then publish the layer, and someone else tries to run it, then they won't even be allowed to try to run it until they have explicitly granted the permissions. 11:49:25
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive That can be a bit fiddly to do, so I'm planning to improve the UI there. 11:50:50
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive But there's another interesting project you might be interested in working on, which would give you more exposure to Java's security manager, and should be a nice little project... 11:51:33

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