
Propensive / Fury

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Fury build tool2 Servers

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1 Dec 2020
@_discord_602528478767743017:t2bot.iochuchulo changed their display name from chuchulo#3669 to chuchulo.17:05:55
@_discord_602528478767743017:t2bot.iochuchulo Any ideas, please what I am doing wrong? 17:05:55
@_discord_602528478767743017:t2bot.iochuchulo * Hello Guys. I am trying to build the fury from main from github with jozinek and We are getting this error:
Fetching layer propensive/guillotine@0 (XV5VjxPM)
Fetching layer propensive/contextual@0 (dJxSATbo)
Fetching layer propensive/kaleidoscope@0 (V6sZJmJC)
Checking out src/main/java from repository java-multiaddr
An error occurred while running: git -C /home/tom/.cache/fury/sources/EA0F270A11847496 fetch --all
Fetching origin
fatal: '/home/tom/.cache/fury/repos/t2CWKenbohXC7T4MCbPVlg' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
error: Could not fetch origin
[make] Failed
make: *** [Makefile:42: tmp/lib/fury.jar] Error 1
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 I had the specified version in cache, but after removal of cache sources I see the same error. 18:21:35
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Hi chuchulo & jozinek! I think the Fury layer might be pointing to a hash in the java-multiaddr repository which no longer exists... it works for me because I have the right version in cache... 19:59:52
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive The same thing is happening in CI, and I didn't get a chance to investigate yet. 20:00:05
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I'll see if there's a quick fix. 20:00:08
@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 set a profile picture.20:04:25
[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

57146f0 Try to fix clone of java-multiaddr - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I've updated to a different hash in the layer, and I'm just checking to see if it makes any difference in CI. 20:05:32
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive https://github.com/propensive/fury/pull/1593/checks?check_run_id=1482211214 20:05:48
[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

a50d2a5 Update layer - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Looks like I'm making progress... 20:16:37
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive ...but that wasn't the only problem. 20:16:45
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Ok, it is looking like it might take me a bit longer. 20:59:06
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive (Mainly because I have to do something else more urgent before tomorrow...) 20:59:20
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive So I'll have to put it to one side, but I'll try to get back to you about it ASAP. 20:59:35
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Actually... I just noticed something. 21:01:03
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Let me try one more thing. 21:01:07
[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

3ea8634 Update layer with new Guillotine - propensive

[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

52e2da6 More layer changes - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive Github Actions are really slow tonight... 21:11:41
@_discord_544647944385593361:t2bot.iojozinek#0918 propensive feel free to delegate if the fix is pretty straightforward. Recently I feel like I only report problems but you fix all of them 😊 21:31:46
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive It's all part of bootstrapping... 😉 22:23:14
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive It looks like there are a bunch of errors with missing commits from repos. My cached versions have them, but GitHub's repos don't. 22:24:33
@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I think this is caused mostly by me "tidying up" all my branches, and renaming master to main everywhere, while deleting some old branches I used to depend on... 22:26:00
[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

dc9b4b1 Updated jawn repo - propensive

@_discord_547426086179307521:t2bot.iopropensive I'm going through and updating them one-by-one in the layer. I don't want to wipe all my caches in case I break my own setup, so I'm relying on GitHub to tell me when something is out of date... 22:30:25
[fury:issue/1592] 1 new commit

398b671 Update quarantine - propensive

2 Dec 2020
@_discord_773875080342011926_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 removed their profile picture.11:10:33

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