Sender | Message | Time |
29 Nov 2023 | ||
03:01:52 | ||
can you post the updated link to pcbway? | 08:19:24 | |
arkimedes2020 | 09:25:56 | |
Enclosure parts are at the bottom of page | 09:26:34 | |
Opposite to S/PDIF out, S/PDIF IN seems to be not a plug and play thing. I will look somewhat deeper into it but for now i am happy that the output is "just working" without anything further | 20:53:55 | |
30 Nov 2023 | ||
Download ADCreHfp3o4CbamY6nOOhHCbFO9KVisSPQ9out9FFVFCHzOsCnsg4-ZMqyJQgQw1278-h719-s-no-gm.png | 19:29:52 | |
Finished mine last weekend 😄 | 19:29:53 | |
using the suggested counter sunk screws look better in my opinion but other than that wonderful 🐈 | 19:31:02 | |
* using the suggested counter sunk M3 screws look better in my opinion but other than that wonderful 🐈 | 19:31:28 | |
yeah i was looking for those as well at the local construction market but they didnt have them in m3 and also not coated black 🙂 I was trying to order as little as possible online but it meant I had to improvise a little 🙂 | 19:36:04 | |
With the pcbway printed case the outer 4 screws are kind of pointless since it seems to be held together very well with just the clips. However, not sure after how many open/close steps this wears out | 19:48:12 | |
1 Dec 2023 | ||
13:19:59 | ||
2 Dec 2023 | ||
when ordering off PCBway via your link, we can choose the PCB quantity and also select wether assembly is required ($30) this seems to be linked to a BOM but its not obvious what the bom contains, also how do we order the clear case that you showed ? | 08:30:32 | |
When you put one of the two case parts in your shopping basket, the is a field "Type of Resin". The default is "Standard white material UTR 8360". This is one of the cheapest but good option. The clear case is UTR-8100(transparent). Be aware that this material is very expensive, 4x or 5x of the cost of the default white. I mainly have it ordered for demonstration purposes only, it does not give you any benefit except the look. | 10:12:39 | |
* When you put one of the two case parts in your shopping basket, there is a field "Type of Resin". The default is "Standard white material UTR 8360". This is one of the cheapest but good option. The clear case is UTR-8100(transparent). Be aware that this material is very expensive, 4x or 5x of the cost of the default white. I mainly have it ordered for demonstration purposes only, it does not give you any benefit except the look. | 10:12:50 | |
Download Bildschirmfoto_2023-12-02_um_11.15.15.png | 10:16:03 | |
About the partly assemble option, this currently is completly untested. I do not get any samples or photos of it until someone is brave enough to order it. The included parts are: | 10:16:03 | |
It will not include the low-profile sockets we currently use. These are not available for pcbway. So the current best way is to get and solder them yourself. I am working on an alternative way with sockets that are available to pcbway, however i do not have any of them available and if it works out, all counterparts to the sockets also must be changed since the square pins of the dupont connectors will not fit the round precission sockets. Work in progress. | 10:19:04 | |
* When you put one of the two case parts in your shopping basket, there is a field "Type of Resin". The default is "Standard white material UTR 8360". This is one of the cheapest but a good and tested option. The clear case is UTR-8100(transparent). Be aware that this material is very expensive, 4x or 5x of the cost of the default white. I mainly have it ordered for demonstration purposes only, it does not give you any benefit except the look. | 10:21:10 | |
* It will not include the low-profile sockets we currently use. Pcbway is not able got get them. So the current best way is to get and solder them yourself. I am working on an alternative way with sockets that are available to pcbway, however i do not have any of them available and if it works out, all counterparts to the sockets also must be changed since the square pins of the dupont connectors will not fit the round precission sockets. Work in progress. | 10:29:13 | |
* It will not include the low-profile sockets we currently use. Pcbway is not able to get them. So the current best way is to get and solder them yourself. I am working on an alternative way with sockets that are available to pcbway, however i do not have any of them available and if it works out, all counterparts to the sockets also must be changed since the square pins of the dupont connectors will not fit the round precission sockets. Work in progress. | 10:29:23 | |
13:44:44 | ||
thanks for clarifying, ill not go for the assembely service but am trying to go ahead on the SLA printing parts, I aprecaite clear is more than the standard white but beleive it shows your work in the best possible light, will probably choose translucent for the base and clear for the lid, its corrently in "review" by pcb way before i can order ! | 22:36:12 | |
3 Dec 2023 | ||
on my original case, I wound up getting the 'melt in the threads' design made with the wrong, non melty plastic, but the case clips so tightly that it's never been an issue | 15:42:38 | |
With the resin prints (that you get from pcbway) it is not possible to melt in the threads, instead you can glue them in with a few drops of superglue. I think i mentioned that in the BOM and i hope also in the build guide. Surprisingly both methods for both print types work very well, i have not seen any issues that they get loose after a while - i had my doubts about the superglue but no, it does not come loose. And yes, as said, the resin prints are very tight even without the case screws. I hope that opening and closing the case again will be gone soon since we now have the program button reachable from the outside - The only other reason to open it is the SD Card. Even we have some basic kind of file transfer working to pc-desktop over the web-console, at least for first setup it is still needed to get physical access to the card. | 15:52:31 | |
Yes, the easy access reset button (and not needing to pull the SD card anymore) have been two features that would make life a lot easier, but I've opened and closed mine dozens of times at this point and it doesn't get any less tight, so I didn't really think to ask. | 15:54:51 | |
11 Dec 2023 | ||
01:23:08 | ||
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