
Tombstoned - Secure Messaging Apps (SecuChart)

2181 Members
Discussion on secure messenger apps, security and privacy. Prefer peer-to-peer (Secure Scuttlebutt, RetroShare, Jami, Tox, Briar, Cabal, Cwtch, Session, Tinfoil Chat, Freenet, I2P, Twister, GNUnet Chat), federated (Matrix, SIP/SIMPLE, XMPP, Conversations, Gajim, Pidgin, Movim, Rocket.Chat, Delta Chat, GnuPG, Status.im), planned federated (NextCloud Talk, Wire) or centralized (Signal, Mumble, Mattermost, Jitsi, Zulip) instead of closed server (Threema, Keybase, Telegram) or proprietary (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts/Meet, Viber, WeChat, Wickr, Olvid, ICQ, SOMA, Discord, Hushed, Beeper, Skype, FireChat, Kik, Line, Silent Phone, Slack, Tencent QQ, Trillian, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, HipChat) or outmoded (IRC, Jabber, Cryptocat, Ricochet, Bitmessage, Serval Project).179 Servers

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29 Jan 2021
In reply to @greeneggsnspam:matrix.org
And is there a matrix client that isn't so heavy on resources / java scripting?
Also, I would be curious if it would be possible to implement a cross platform GUI-based Matrix client with for example FLTK that could run on older computers (like up to 20 years old).
In reply to @greeneggsnspam:matrix.org
Is Tox safe for real usage? It used to have bad keys and was called experimental
I wouldn't use Tox for something critical, but I think it should do for 99% of normal people. It has a bunch of actively maintained clients available.
In reply to @bkil:grin.hu
You can always open more than one browser and/or profile as a workaround 🤷
in android
In reply to @falconstinker:matrix.org
in android
You can save the matrix web app as often as you like and every one with an other account. Just no notifications.
@yannlibre:matrix.orgylibreHi all, what is 'planned federated' ?18:33:50
In reply to @nikkor:matrix.org
You can save the matrix web app as often as you like and every one with an other account. Just no notifications.
in a single html file or something?
@falconstinker:matrix.orgBrownJenkinthen pythob -m http.serve?19:11:07
@nikkor:matrix.orgnikkor Progressive Web App. You just save the page like you would save a bookmark and you will have an app. 19:12:39
In reply to @yannlibre:matrix.org
Hi all, what is 'planned federated' ?

Hello, they are in the works:

  • https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server/issues/631
  • https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21
@yannlibre:matrix.orgylibreOk thx21:36:28
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.org joined the room.22:57:34
@bkil:grin.hubkilWhat is your messenger app of your choice and what features do you use the most?23:09:22
In reply to @bkil:grin.hu
What is your messenger app of your choice and what features do you use the most?
Signal (in lack of better alternative, that works reliably), and call feature is the one mostly used.
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:28:07
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:28:23
30 Jan 2021
In reply to @bkil:grin.hu

Hello, they are in the works:

  • https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server/issues/631
  • https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/issues/21
Oh, cool that you found these. I would have looked up these for you if I knew you would need them so soon, ha.
@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org@greeneggsnspam:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:29:15
@mo6eff:matrix.orgmo6eff joined the room.04:00:51
@user1234:matrix.orgDude joined the room.08:23:08
In reply to @mpassio:matrix.org
I can recommand Conversations and it's little brother Quicksy as alternative to Signal.
Conversations doesn't interecept calls and messages, you first see the notifications, when you bring the app into view. And that is with battery management turned off for the app, so unless it relies on something Google related, it doesn't work reliably.
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:02:06
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:02:41
@mpassio:matrix.org@mpassio:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:02:57
@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org@greeneggsnspam:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:06:20
@bkil:grin.hubkilGood think we know about F-droid 🧠14:09:25
@gthreepwood777:matrix.orggthreepwood777 joined the room.14:54:35
@rottenwheel:halogen.cityrottenwheel joined the room.19:54:40
@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org joined the room.20:40:44
@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org joined the room.20:41:10
@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org@greeneggsnspam:matrix.org joined the room.20:41:44

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