
Third Room

607 Members
Third Room is paused due to lack of funding: https://twitter.com/thirdroomio/status/1684643892195631104 😞 | Tech Preview 2 "Creator Update" Live Now: https://matrix.org/blog/2023/06/07/introducing-third-room-tp-2-the-creator-update124 Servers

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14 Apr 2024
@markustsock:matrix.orgmarkustsock joined the room.06:37:03
15 Apr 2024
@gaelg:element.ioGaël changed their display name from Gaël (away) to Gaël.07:09:24
18 Apr 2024
@ypiokmk:matrix.orgypiokmk left the room.02:39:54
20 Apr 2024
@meldane:matrix.orgMeldane changed their profile picture.14:10:54
@meldane:matrix.orgMeldane changed their profile picture.14:18:16
21 Apr 2024
@jhonnyko:matrix.orgJhony Kopsch joined the room.11:16:10
@jhonnyko:matrix.orgJhony Kopsch left the room.11:16:21
@tclj:matrix.orgMatrix joined the room.19:57:16
24 Apr 2024
@ecosysmaat:onweb3.netEcoSysMAAT changed their profile picture.21:06:24
@ecosysmaat:onweb3.netEcoSysMAAT changed their profile picture.21:43:06
26 Apr 2024
@zodiepupper:matrix.pupper.devviolet changed their display name from zodie to violet.04:19:11
@zodiepupper:matrix.pupper.devviolet changed their display name from violet to alyssa.09:49:46
@zodiepupper:matrix.pupper.devviolet changed their display name from alyssa to violet.15:26:53
@dfirebug:matrix.orgdfirebug joined the room.17:04:50
@thib:ergaster.orgThib (away) changed their display name from Thib to Thib (away).19:22:04
27 Apr 2024
@tclj:matrix.orgMatrix changed their display name from Martix to Matrix.18:01:58
@thib:ergaster.orgThib (away) left the room.20:33:05
28 Apr 2024
@ivory-lexical-rhinoceros:thirdroom.ioMarine joined the room.20:50:38
@orionoth:matrix.orgLunarHuntress changed their display name from OrionOth to LunarHuntress.20:58:59
@arcshark:matrix.orgarcshark joined the room.23:51:45
29 Apr 2024
@delphine.lasalle:envs.netDelphine Lasalle joined the room.03:21:09
30 Apr 2024
@gaelg:element.ioGaël changed their display name from Gaël to Gaël (back on 20th May).15:11:10
2 May 2024
@jade-single-impala:thirdroom.iosirsegv joined the room.05:51:55
@applepen1:matrix.orgAnon1811 joined the room.23:07:49
3 May 2024
@langleyd:matrix.orgDavid Langley changed their display name from David Langley to David Langley [away - back Tuesday].08:20:38
@feynon:matrix.orgfeynon changed their profile picture.11:21:52
@applepen1:matrix.orgAnon1811 left the room.16:41:56
6 May 2024
@rrrrooo:matrix.orgrrrrooo joined the room.04:24:41
@rrrrooo:matrix.orgrrrrooo left the room.04:25:13
@phie:lostpod.meSalcie left the room.08:02:17

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