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Welcome to the mooltipass channel! We're here on both libera.chat at #mooltipass and on matrix at #mooltipass:matrix.org - *NOTE* If you have just received your new minible and have questions, please read the user manual at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mooltipass/minible/master/MooltipassMiniBLEUserManual.pdf | Firmware upgrade manual: https://mooltipass.github.io/minible/updating_your_device3 Servers

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17 Oct 2023
@my1:matrix.orgMy1If you have moolticute and the browser extension i guess the layout doesn't matter, as the extension just grabs the pw to fill but without moolticute at hand i doubt the mp even can have an idea about the kb layout16:53:31
@barath:matrix.orgbaraththe mp simulates different physical keyboards, because different languages have their keys placed in different places on the keyboard 😬21:21:38
@barath:matrix.orgbarath and the mp stores the characters, so they can be emitted with different keyboards/languages configured I guess, but that means you always have to map a character to a key code on a physical keyboard
which is hard
18 Oct 2023
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.com changed their profile picture.14:57:27
28 Oct 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevimage.png
Download image.png
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevWhat is this? Why i can't just open the site?04:55:42
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevimage.png
Download image.png
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevoh, now understand04:57:17
9 Nov 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevhttps://github.com/mooltipass/minible/issues/414 likes please07:34:44
13 Nov 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevSomeone use Mooltipass TOTP with Android? I receive wrong code. When i connect to my laptop - everything works fine.11:40:03
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev limpkin: still not here? 11:40:48
@barath:matrix.orgbarathstill not bridged13:50:15
@barath:matrix.orgbaraththe android app used to not sync the time with the minible, so then the clock can drift13:50:37
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI thought that was fixed, not sure13:50:42
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
the android app used to not sync the time with the minible, so then the clock can drift
It turns out that if I don’t use the Android application at all, but simply connect Mooltipass as a keyboard, then it can show anything at all. Now everything has fallen into place. I just need to install the application on my new phone.
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevThanks for help.17:57:17
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
still not bridged
Why bridge not work? Who broke it?
In reply to @eugene_rymarev:matrix.org
Why bridge not work? Who broke it?
The IRC server admins weren't happy with it so they asked for it to be disabled
It sucks
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI dont want to have to join IRC again but maybe I have to18:01:05
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
The IRC server admins weren't happy with it so they asked for it to be disabled
It sucks
They are strange. Everyone is weird. limpkin is also weird. I don’t understand what the point is in using outdated protocols when there is something more modern and convenient.
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI dont know I guess its stable and it works so people dont want to switch Matrix has some issues but overall I prefer it18:02:18
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevAnd we’re not talking about matrix, in which I was forced to register)))18:02:20
@barath:matrix.orgbarathIRC has issues too 🤷 18:02:48
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
IRC has issues too 🤷

I don’t like IRC either, although I actively used it about 20 years ago when I was a schoolboy. I even played mafia in it. It was fun.

I don’t like Matrix, which looks quite flawed, if only because, it seems to me, there are no good investors behind it. Such as Telegram, for example.

Discord is a completely separate topic, so I don’t consider it.

@barath:matrix.orgbarathYeah everyone has their preferences Thats why its important to be able to bridge between networks18:08:40
19 Nov 2023
@my1:matrix.orgMy1Matrix feels like one of the better solutions. Like wasn't it iirc possible to join rooms on other servers with an account from any server, which seems pretty neat20:47:24
@my1:matrix.orgMy1Compared to a centralized service like discord or telegram, being able to freely do irc whereever you want is great but it lacks a lot in capabilities like edits or media. 20:48:08
@my1:matrix.orgMy1But matrix goes farther than irc with the federation between servers, so you wouldn't even need to manage separate accounts between different irc servers20:48:53
@my1:matrix.orgMy1Like my rizon irc account (provided it still exists lol) likely won't work on libera irc20:49:20

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