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2 Dec 2023
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org joined the room.11:11:22
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgI should have sent an email by now to support but I would like first to see if other people are experiencing this.11:13:17
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * I should have sent an email by now to support, but I would like first to see if other people are experiencing this.11:13:26
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgI am facing issues with my Mooltipass not writing correctly when using it on my Android device. Same results when writing with Bluetooth and plugged in.11:15:30
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgIs it probably just my Android phone being a Google Pixel, or is anyone else here facing the same issue with another brand of phone?11:17:30
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * I should have sent an email by now to support, but I would like first to see if other people are experiencing this:11:17:44
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgI have also just noticed a very off-topic thing, when switching to dark mode the profile icon of this room becomes all dark, even the background that was white when in light theme....11:28:01
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * I have also just noticed a very off-topic thing, when switching to dark mode the profile icon of this room becomes all dark, even the background that was white when in light theme....is it just for me or does everyone have the same experience?11:28:32
In reply to @id18176064:mozilla.org
I am facing issues with my Mooltipass not writing correctly when using it on my Android device. Same results when writing with Bluetooth and plugged in.
incorrectly in what way? have you double checked the language configured for the mooltipass, which acts like a keyboard, in the android settings?
In reply to @id18176064:mozilla.org
I have also just noticed a very off-topic thing, when switching to dark mode the profile icon of this room becomes all dark, even the background that was white when in light theme....is it just for me or does everyone have the same experience?
yeah the icon has a transparent background, but that means it's not very visible in dark mode :D I can fix it when I have time
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
incorrectly in what way? have you double checked the language configured for the mooltipass, which acts like a keyboard, in the android settings?
Yes, I have checked that. The issue still happens.
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgdoes that mean it is not happening to you?13:50:16
@barath:matrix.orgbarathNope works fine for me, also a pixel Is the language for USB and BT configured to match on the mooltipass? Via moolticute13:53:56
@barath:matrix.orgbarathThere have been some issues reported with Cyrillic/russian layouts but I dont know where/what the issue was there14:06:28
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
Nope works fine for me, also a pixel
Is the language for USB and BT configured to match on the mooltipass? Via moolticute
Yes it is
@barath:matrix.orgbarathThen I'm not really sure How is the behavior incorrect?14:33:54
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgIncorrect like this, for example instead of writing @ it writes something else14:36:40
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * Incorrect like for example, instead of writing @ it writes something else14:37:02
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * Incorrect like, instead of writing @ it writes something else14:37:13
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgit writes - instead and also / but it only happens in my Android phone14:37:40
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.org * It writes (-)instead and also / but it only happens in my Android phone14:37:54
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgI am writing a better detailed email about this14:38:17
@barath:matrix.orgbarath that sounds like a mismatch between language and keyboard layout
but if the keyboard layout for the mooltipass is configured correctly in android and in moolticute 🤔
@barath:matrix.orgbarath you could also try printing the password in moolticute via the credential management mode, see if it looks like you expect
maybe it's saved incorrectly, but happens to look correct with some other incorrect configs
@barath:matrix.orgbarathYou can also make an issue ticket/see if theres one like it14:44:05
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgI will be doing so14:47:59
@id18176064:mozilla.org@id18176064:mozilla.orgit seems to be an issue of my own 14:48:14

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