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Welcome to the mooltipass channel! We're here on both libera.chat at #mooltipass and on matrix at #mooltipass:matrix.org - *NOTE* If you have just received your new minible and have questions, please read the user manual at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mooltipass/minible/master/MooltipassMiniBLEUserManual.pdf | Firmware upgrade manual: https://mooltipass.github.io/minible/updating_your_device2 Servers

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2 Aug 2023
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatof course on device cred generating would be best, but if the mooltipy  allows for ability to add creds via command line that is very nice18:38:51
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatanother question..... im paranoid about supply chain security , like device getting tampered with in shipping, possible to disassemble device to inspect or is it sealed?18:39:31
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chatlooks like mc-cli can do it for sure. I think the py library can do it as well.18:39:57
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatthey might still need the moolticute dameon though?18:40:20
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chat(I just try to avoid go due to security concerns with golang)18:40:38
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat the device is sealed and nearly impossible to open non-destructively. limpkin can tell you more about the supply chain. But, AFAIK, parts are bought from reputable distributors, chips programmed/secured before going to CM, etc. Don't quote me on those points though. 18:41:52
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chat living in USA I'm worried about it being tampered with in transit by spooks 18:42:33
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatshouldnt be difficult to replace the case right?18:42:49
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat I'm not sure, mc-cli does hint that it needs moolticuted (which is separately buildable) 18:42:56
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatif cannot disassemble, would i ever need to replace the battery? if battery dead i can use with usb power?18:43:32
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatsorry, alot of questions18:43:45
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chatI mean, before the device leaves the factory its all set up with keys etc., hard to tamper with in shipping, and there are ways to reach out to manuf to verify the hashes all match based on your device. Even still, the final credential database is entirely secured by the key stored in the smartcard. The point of the device security is, AFAIK, purely for signing and trust. From that, the smartcard has the key (with its own set of internal 18:45:22
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chatsecurity). 18:45:22
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat I don't think replacement parts are sold, I'm not sure how hard it would be to get a case. They are numbered as well in the case and thats part of the devices' identity 18:45:52
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chatbattery is nimh, in theory, has a nearly infinite lifetime (or at least 10+ years on paper). Basically, so long as the batteries are internally maintained (which the minible does) there are ways to continue to have it to hold a charge for many many many years. Even if the battery is fully dead, the device is indeed powered over USB18:47:11
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chati may just use the cli tools for cred creation after setup, while encouraging native implementation of on device cred generating. i just gotta figure out how to flash firmware with this18:49:25
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chat Compile with make clean && make DEFINES=MINI_CREDENTIAL_MANAGEMENT. 18:49:26
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatthis might be what im looking for18:49:43
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat FWIW I don't have sources to cite, but I found the nimh conversation that appeared here in the past: https://pastebin.com/ZAYrYLPQ 18:51:48
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chatSo, that is for the mooltipass/mini, the minible is a separate project. See my previous link to it18:52:34
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat I'm not sure if that exists in the minible, but you are welcome to look. 18:52:54
@bunni:libera.chat@bunni:libera.chat I _do_ have old mini's that I'd happily part with if you want that feature and you trust me since they were hand built lol 18:53:23
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatanyone know if possible to built moolticute app for alpine linux, aarch64 (arm cpu). alpine uses musl libc18:55:22
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatI may try to make an alpine linux package for this, not sure if it will be successful or not though19:24:20
@barath:matrix.orgbarathNot tried with musk but I think aarch64 is no problem19:34:55
@barath:matrix.orgbarath*musk, obviously musk has problems19:35:09
@Guest7522d:libera.chat@Guest7522d:libera.chatorder placed :)19:35:13
@barath:matrix.orgbarath*musl xD19:35:18

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