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11 Aug 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevI think my device battery is dead15:58:55
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevThe device was working fine yesterday. In the morning the device simply did not turn on. Usually, even with a completely discharged battery, it turns on. Decided to calibrate the battery. After recalibration, I disconnected it from the computer and the device turned off completely after a few minutes.16:05:51
@barath:matrix.orgbarath hm
unfortunately the IRC bridge is down and I dont think limpkin is on matrix
@barath:matrix.orgbarathhow long did the battery reconstitution last? should last a long while16:57:38
@barath:matrix.orgbarath could also not have charged properly... I have a hub which makes it look like it's charging, but it's actually not 16:57:52
15 Aug 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevomg. Now error #002 Contact support05:42:14
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
could also not have charged properly... I have a hub which makes it look like it's charging, but it's actually not
now charged ok
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevwow. Nice trick. 100% -> 0% in 5 minutes.05:43:08
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
how long did the battery reconstitution last? should last a long while
Recovery took several hours. I didn't notice. Now I restarted it about an hour ago. It has already been charged and is now being discharged.
26 Aug 2023
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.comanother db corruption for me. Nothing done but just moved from the office to home with BLE and my laptop :'(08:46:16
@barath:matrix.orgbaraththat sucks...10:02:58
@barath:matrix.orgbarathhow does it manifest?10:03:07
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.com I have no idea this time I juste arrived home, connected the BLE through usb and the password where not working so I want in db management mode and saw that the password where scrambled 11:00:46
@barath:matrix.orgbarathhm and it worked before?11:15:28
@barath:matrix.orgbarathso it's not like new, or was just added to the minible from another computer and maybe it was something to do with layouts...11:15:57
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.com I am currently using the BLE with only one computer in usb. No write operation only read. 14:06:43
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.comI checked the value of the password from db mngt as well as displaying it from the BLE to to avoid any issues with the layout (that I never change too)14:08:00
@barath:matrix.orgbarathThat's not great16:40:20
@barath:matrix.orgbarathDo you have a backup of the minibles db from before the corruption? Could make a new one with, and diff16:40:42
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.comI applied a backup, I have regular and versioned backup and everything went back to normal but still, it's a tad annoying and could be a complete show stopper for non-power users :(17:13:38
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.comI have unfortunately no logs or anything that can help in troubleshooting the issue17:14:09
In reply to @guillaume:van-hemmen.com
I applied a backup, I have regular and versioned backup and everything went back to normal but still, it's a tad annoying and could be a complete show stopper for non-power users :(
Ah okay
Has it happened to exactly that credential before? Maybe theres a pattern...
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.comSo far I do not see a pattern. I once thought it was if i mess with the device in the same time I am managing the DB in moolticute but nay. If there is a pattern it's not something I have seen...yet For now I will stick to a strict management of my backup (well I will stick to it regardless :) ) and try to see next time it happen what is the context17:48:32
28 Aug 2023
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevimage.png
Download image.png
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevCan i enter here full domain name?06:26:57
@barath:matrix.orgbarathnot sure 🤔06:29:53
@barath:matrix.orgbarathit says extension, so maybe not06:30:03
@barath:matrix.orgbarathbut you can link multiple FDNs I think06:30:18
29 Aug 2023
In reply to @eugene_rymarev:matrix.org
sent an image.
no you cant, if you want another site with a largely different domain you can make a linked credential

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