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Welcome to the mooltipass channel! We're here on both libera.chat at #mooltipass and on matrix at #mooltipass:matrix.org - *NOTE* If you have just received your new minible and have questions, please read the user manual at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mooltipass/minible/master/MooltipassMiniBLEUserManual.pdf | Firmware upgrade manual: https://mooltipass.github.io/minible/updating_your_device3 Servers

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4 Dec 2023
@theo:libera.chat@theo:libera.chat left the room.21:29:47
@ttpcodes_:libera.chat@ttpcodes_:libera.chat left the room.21:29:47
@janemba:libera.chatjanemba left the room.21:29:47
@Nistur:libera.chatNistur left the room.21:29:47
@nemunaire_:libera.chat@nemunaire_:libera.chat left the room.21:29:47
@nemunaire:libera.chatnemunaire left the room.21:29:47
13 Jan 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevI have #002 and #009 errors today - wtf? Someone know?12:26:18
14 Jan 2024
@barath:matrix.orgbarathmaybe low battery? not sure general advice is to update to latest fw I guess10:59:06
22 Jan 2024
@guillaume:van-hemmen.com@guillaume:van-hemmen.com left the room.12:21:49
1 Feb 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevWhat happens if you disconnect the mini ble from usb during the battery recovery procedure?10:53:45
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI'm not sure... I think it keeps going13:31:21
@barath:matrix.orgbarath * I'm not sure... I guess it aborts? 13:31:34
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevHow can i replace battery? Anyone have disassembly instructions?15:50:25
@barath:matrix.orgbarathhm I dont remember if there are... you can definitely open it. I've opened my beta unitcertain way?20:12:50
@barath:matrix.orgbarath * hm I dont remember if there are... you can definitely open it. I've opened my beta unit in a certain way20:12:56
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI'd create an issue ticket on the minible git repo20:13:08
4 Feb 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevI found a bug in this charging-discharging process through Moolticute. At the moment when the device switches to discharge mode, you can unplug it from the PC and plug it into a regular charger - it will continue its work of charging-discharging.16:16:18
5 Feb 2024
@barath:matrix.orgbarathI dont know if that's a bug, sounds like a feature :D 06:08:58
7 Feb 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
I dont know if that's a bug, sounds like a feature :D

I looked a little deeper into the process at the level at which this is possible.

The Discharge->Rest->Charge cycle occurs once, after which Moolticute issues a new command for another cycle if necessary.

Accordingly, if at the time of Discharging the device is switched to normal charging, the cycle will end on charging and will not be repeated.

14 Feb 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene RymarevError "Time not set!" - where???13:23:18
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev🤬13:23:35
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarevdevice connected via usb to laptop or android phone13:24:11
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev * Error "Time not set!" - where?13:30:20
@barath:matrix.orgbarathon the minible14:35:26
@barath:matrix.orgbarathits lost when it shuts off, it has no persistent clock14:35:37
15 Feb 2024
@eugene_rymarev:matrix.orgEugene Rymarev
In reply to @barath:matrix.org
its lost when it shuts off, it has no persistent clock
That i know, but device connected to laptop by usb cable
@barath:matrix.orgbarathMoolticuted is slow A workaround is restarting the daemon17:19:31
6 Mar 2024
@daxy:matrix.org@daxy:matrix.org left the room.22:37:08
7 May 2024
@winterknife:matrix.org@winterknife:matrix.org joined the room.07:17:13
@winterknife:matrix.org@winterknife:matrix.org left the room.07:21:58

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