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Bridged room for #driver-steamvr_lh on the Monado discord4 Servers

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16 Sep 2024
@_discord_570811331150610432:t2bot.iocameronash212 joined the room.22:39:51
17 Sep 2024
@_discord_279958082115731456:t2bot.iokanasz joined the room.14:29:32
@_discord_1285288399430881413:t2bot.iogotikahmet joined the room.17:10:42
18 Sep 2024
@_discord_277097382729089028:t2bot.io_aylya joined the room.00:37:29
@_discord_1182025725319061544:t2bot.ion.o.r.d.o. joined the room.04:55:43
@_discord_451395264490766344:t2bot.iofatedsilence joined the room.12:02:38
@_discord_1155491402059354203:t2bot.iohjjhjhjhk_84158 joined the room.14:43:47
@_discord_124358591078465536:t2bot.iomagiccraftmaster joined the room.14:53:31
@_discord_821974199702257701:t2bot.iowsherman.vr Hey all, and thanks haagch, I managed to download the matching version of driver_lighthouse.so, and also rebuild Monado while I was at it, and now the steamvr_lh driver is working for me -- and the tracking is glorious!

I do have one quibble though, or perhaps I'm mistaken, but it seems like the STEAMVR_LH_ENABLE variable overrides the LH_DRIVER variable, which means I can't just change the value of LH_DRIVER to swtich between tracker drives -- which normally I wouldn't be doing, but I'm having trouble with the eye-separation, so I was doing a lot of comparison testing between tracker drivers.

So it seems to me that the LH_DRIVER value should be the sole determiner of what driver is used.

But I love having good 6-DOF tracking with my Vive now! Thanks, Bill
19 Sep 2024
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch yea it's a bit annoying now. if you have only LH_DRIVER=vive or LH_DRIVER=survive then that chooses between those two. if you add (or have only) STEAMVR_LH_ENABLE=true then the steamvr_lh builder takes precedence. 02:24:36
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch personally I just use giant commands and recall them with ctrl + r, service from my zsh history and put a _ in front of an env var I don't want at this time
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.iosupreme__ lol 02:33:55
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.iosupreme__ what's curated_gui and disable_deferred? 02:34:13
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.iosupreme__ i feel like all these env vars should really get thrown in a config file 02:34:33
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch the curated debug gui is hiding all the advanced stuff by default. it's quite nice. deferred means that the compositor "window" only exists when an openxr application renders. with direct mode it doesn't make much of a difference, but when using XRT_COMPOSITOR_FORCE_XCB=1 the default behavior is annoying because the compositor closes every time you quit the openxr application and then opens at wherever the window manager places it with the next 02:42:25
@_discord_491995244800507922:t2bot.iosroka. joined the room.12:32:38
@_discord_1211313000187826297:t2bot.ioaaaaaa_36252 joined the room.18:20:46
@_discord_797861611637440553:t2bot.iobabblebones Does the compositor break down when the last active XR client closes out? 18:46:09
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch I actually never checked what it actually does, I just know it closes the window 18:48:54
@_discord_797861611637440553:t2bot.iobabblebones Hmm will check 18:49:11
@_discord_797861611637440553:t2bot.iobabblebones Be kinda cool if the lease released 18:49:33
@_discord_450711722794156043:t2bot.ioandup0 joined the room.18:58:46

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