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The filmmaking device | feel free to talk about features & please submit all the bugs here or on https://github.com/rbckman/tarina4 Servers

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17 Feb 2020
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendBusted .D11:42:55
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmani think it is fixed11:51:04
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanbut lest try it out before im pushing anything11:51:20
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanseems like working :D11:55:46
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendAallrighty. So did ya do a push? Can I move scenes after pulling?11:57:17
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanfuck yes this was a serious bug fix12:03:26
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmandunno how I let that one be there for that long time12:04:03
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanthanks again for reporting this Frend12:04:27
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendNo worries. Lets make this thing work like a dream .D12:11:16
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrend"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent Will not. Nothing is more common then unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."12:21:36
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendnow theres this weird thing when, I quit wicd shift + Q it still leaves the wicd frame there and just pops the syntax on top of it.13:19:35
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendwell, now its gone. Dont know what that was about.13:21:25
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendFrom GUI how do I get to the command line for git pull?13:21:51
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanits the same ctrl + alt + f313:22:20
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanbut u can kill the gui first with ctrl + c13:22:40
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendits not killing it ./13:23:25
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanthis is partly why I dont use ctrl + c as a copy command :P13:23:13
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendand if I press update, it shows the login screen but after awhile tosses me back in the gui13:23:50
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanit's the standard command for killing stuff in linux13:23:46
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanI havent made a new version, I can also do that if u want13:24:19
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanthen it will also update all packages13:24:31
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrenddoesent matter. ctl + alt + f3 is not doin anything either ...13:25:54
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgrbckmanare u on the right keyboard :P13:26:21
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendactually, i cant move the cursor in the gui with the Rii13:26:29
@dr.void:matrix.orgFrendhow do i change keyboards?13:26:56

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