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15 Jul 2024
@joaomoreira:matrix.orgJoão Moreira set a profile picture.00:04:49
16 Jul 2024
@arouene:matrix.orgarouene joined the room.07:21:09
@namenlos314:matrix.orgnamenlos314 joined the room.17:21:23
17 Jul 2024
@1ll173r47:matrix.org@1ll173r47:matrix.org left the room.15:17:05
@reddima100:matrix.orgDima joined the room.23:56:35
19 Jul 2024
@dnlmrtnz:matrix.orgdnlmrtnz joined the room.04:15:59
@slashsbin:matrix.orgslashsbin joined the room.10:40:08
20 Jul 2024
@derromiti:matrix.orgBruno Marques joined the room.13:54:11
@derromiti:matrix.orgBruno Marques Is there a way to copy something to clipboard directly from an org file that has images so that it can be pasted in a browser ? Im using doom and it has +org/export-to-clipboard-as-rich-text almost does this but when pasting into a browser ( such as a jira comment and confluence) the image doesn't get pasted. I've also tried ox-clip and the solution described here : https://speechcode.com/blog/org-to-clipboard I'm using doom emacs 29.4 on Mac if that is necessary info. 13:55:47
@mgttlinger:matrix.orgMerlin changed their profile picture.19:23:59
22 Jul 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:35:40
23 Jul 2024
@rayer:envs.netharuhi changed their profile picture.03:07:32
@rayer:envs.netharuhi changed their display name from bunny to haruhi.03:07:53
@punit_arya:matrix.org@punit_arya:matrix.org left the room.04:18:33
@pastnontra:matrix.orgpastnontra joined the room.11:01:58
24 Jul 2024
@dumac:matrix.org@dumac:matrix.org left the room.05:27:28
@federicobattaini:matrix.orgFederico Battaini joined the room.19:47:47
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @derromiti:matrix.org

Is there a way to copy something to clipboard directly from an org file that has images so that it can be pasted in a browser ?

Im using doom and it has +org/export-to-clipboard-as-rich-text almost does this but when pasting into a browser ( such as a jira comment and confluence) the image doesn't get pasted.

I've also tried ox-clip and the solution described here : https://speechcode.com/blog/org-to-clipboard

I'm using doom emacs 29.4 on Mac if that is necessary info.

Not sure how that would work... I'd assume the image would need to be uploaded somewhere it can be loaded from in JIRA....
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in etc/ORG-NEWS: ; Fix typo in etc/ORG-NEWS (Bug#72186) 11:23:38
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in etc/ORG-NEWS: Merge branch 'bugfix' 11:23:38
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in etc/ORG-NEWS: Backport commit a79966156 from Emacs 11:23:38
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in etc/ORG-NEWS: Backport commit a6cab228d from Emacs 11:23:38
26 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.org@vermium:zyner.org left the room.01:10:00
@n0nix:matrix.orgMe6 joined the room.06:22:11
@zororg:matrix.orgzororgIs it a known issue that you cannot org-babel-tangle src block in a capture buffer?15:57:36
@yantar92:matrix.orgyantar92 (Org contributor)
In reply to @zororg:matrix.org
Is it a known issue that you cannot org-babel-tangle src block in a capture buffer?
Feel free to report this as a bug
@zororg:matrix.orgzororgI dont mind if anyone wants to report, I might look into how its done. Will try it sometime!16:08:05
@yantar92:matrix.orgyantar92 (Org contributor)
In reply to @zororg:matrix.org
I dont mind if anyone wants to report, I might look into how its done. Will try it sometime!
Just drop and email
@yantar92:matrix.orgyantar92 (Org contributor)Click on "report bug" in https://orgmode.org/18:12:38
27 Jul 2024

Yeah, thank you.

I did it. Also somehow with hassle I did setup protonmail in gnus using hydroxide tool


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