
Matrix Cube

190 Members
(SPACE HAS MOVED, JOIN US AT #void:vern.cc) Resistance is futile. Seriously though, we're a group hosting several rooms, each with varying topics. If there's anything you'd like us to add here, or if there's someone breaking the rules, feel free to contact the space's admins. Note: to prevent abuse, you need to be a part of the space to see the rooms. If you still can't see them after joining, make sure you've joined any subspaces you want, then clear your client's cache. Rules: https://voidstalker.vern.cc/matrix-cube-rules.txt (Continuation of Matrix Sphere, RIP)29 Servers

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29 Jan 2024
@kialpeds:matrix.org@kialpeds:matrix.org left the room.09:50:45
30 Jan 2024
@james:zelchat.de@james:zelchat.de removed their display name james.16:12:29
@james:zelchat.de@james:zelchat.de left the room.17:11:33
31 Jan 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from la gleua to Mike was a gift.14:03:14
9 Feb 2024
@iqm:matrix.org@iqm:matrix.org left the room.18:02:24
11 Feb 2024
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] changed their display name from Babba27's Evil Twin [they|them] -> @alex:matrix.anonymousplanet.org to Babba27's Evil Twin [she/her|they/them].23:43:41
23 Feb 2024
@yezon75:matrix.org@yezon75:matrix.org joined the room.21:41:19
@yezon75:matrix.org@yezon75:matrix.org left the room.21:42:03
5 Mar 2024
@memorysafetybelike:envs.netBabba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them] changed their display name from Babba27's Evil Twin [she/her|they/them] to Babba27's Evil Twin [ze/hir|she/her|they/them].09:46:19
21 Mar 2024
@catsalad:catgirl.cloudCatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) changed their profile picture.21:59:41
3 Apr 2024
@=///--:matrix.orgA"known" changed their display name from =///-- to A"known".12:21:53
4 Apr 2024
@jabu.jue:matrix.orgjabu (he/him) changed their profile picture.13:01:14
13 Apr 2024
@jabu.jue:matrix.orgjabu (he/him) changed their profile picture.07:56:05
24 Apr 2024
@5tvhbsdhsv:matrix.orgmarsyard changed their display name from 5tvhbsdhsv to marsyard.08:38:42
27 Apr 2024
@jabu.jue:matrix.orgjabu (he/him) changed their profile picture.18:41:40
1 May 2024
@boxfish69:matrix.org@boxfish69:matrix.org joined the room.13:20:19
@boxfish69:matrix.org@boxfish69:matrix.org left the room.13:20:21
5 May 2024
@tantalusc:matrix.orgTantalus changed their display name from TantalusC to Tantalus.17:02:04
24 May 2024
@str8stroking:matrix.org@str8stroking:matrix.org left the room.12:44:21
19 Jun 2024
@hhhhhh.hhh:matrix.org@hhhhhh.hhh:matrix.org joined the room.15:20:41
@hhhhhh.hhh:matrix.org@hhhhhh.hhh:matrix.org left the room.15:22:21
29 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from Mike was a gift to https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4.18:57:36
30 Jun 2024
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from https://libre.kyronsaif.com/videos/Informative/LIBRE_NEWGROUNDS.mp4 to Mike was a gift.04:24:32
3 Jul 2024
@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org joined the room.21:42:42
@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org joined the room.21:43:40
@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org@b1tch_pudding:matrix.org left the room.21:44:28
10 Jul 2024
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org 16:06:56
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org removed their display name masto.16:07:01
@ao:yatrix.org@ao:yatrix.org left the room.16:07:06
16 Jul 2024
@nightbot8772:matrix.org🌷 changed their display name from Nacho💫 to 🌷.09:26:30

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