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10 Aug 2021
@js:synapse.duncanturk.com(legacy, use @j:crossbach.de) I have used scrartcl as document class in conjunction with scrjura for a 'constitution' before, but IIRC it is biased towards the German style for contracts, club constitutions etc.
Not sure if it really fits your use case.
11 Aug 2021
@simon.brandner:envs.netŠimon Brandner [away -> 10th] changed their display name from Šimon Brandner [away] to Šimon Brandner.11:21:14
12 Aug 2021
In reply to @js:synapse.duncanturk.com
I have used scrartcl as document class in conjunction with scrjura for a 'constitution' before, but IIRC it is biased towards the German style for contracts, club constitutions etc.
Not sure if it really fits your use case.
thanks will take a look
15 Aug 2021
@pjgs:matrix.orgpiets joined the room.08:48:11
@pjgs:matrix.orgpiets left the room.08:52:12
18 Aug 2021
@directons:matrix.orgplacesman changed their display name from directions to placesman.20:28:38
20 Aug 2021
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók joined the room.07:59:11
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók changed their profile picture.13:53:44
@gnu.xyz:matrix.orgDarkBuffalo joined the room.18:40:54
21 Aug 2021
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️ changed their profile picture.10:44:56
24 Aug 2021
@stencil:matrix.orgStencil joined the room.09:14:35
@stencil:matrix.orgStencilIs there a live competition(keyboard type) thing for latex?09:20:20
@stencil:matrix.orgStencilOr any way to get fast in it with computer aided competition 09:24:04
@bkil:grin.hubkilYou mean a kind of quiz question pack or flash cards?10:39:02
25 Aug 2021
@loke:dhsdevelopments.comloke Stencil: Did you mean "completion"? 03:53:41
@nzgvrly:matrix.orgnona changed their profile picture.11:57:59
27 Aug 2021
@khinchin:matrix.orgKhinchin joined the room.11:27:12
28 Aug 2021
@kir0ul:matrix.orgkir∅ul changed their display name from kir0ul to kir∅ul.15:25:14
29 Aug 2021
In reply to @stencil:matrix.org
Or any way to get fast in it with computer aided competition
not a site for competition, but if you want to get quick with LaTeX, check out https://castel.dev
1 Sep 2021
@stencil:matrix.orgStencil bkil yep 00:52:02
@stencil:matrix.orgStencilBut also like typing competition01:10:17
2 Sep 2021
@christopher:crossbach.deChristopher changed their profile picture.16:34:20
3 Sep 2021
Download image.png
@artificial_lack_of_intelligence:privacytools.ioartificial_lack_of_intelligencehow can i add the equal contribution author footnote like in the image above10:33:49
4 Sep 2021
@afotgkmnzj7asv3r4ytb:matrix.orgafotgkmnzj7asv3r4ytb you can use \thanks 00:18:40
5 Sep 2021
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók left the room.06:44:36
@christopher:crossbach.deChristopher changed their profile picture.08:31:41
@simon.brandner:envs.netŠimon Brandner [away -> 10th] changed their display name from Šimon Brandner to Šimon Brandner [away -> 10th].16:30:38
6 Sep 2021
@freezingbest:matrix.organniehallmoon joined the room.14:08:06
@freezingbest:matrix.organniehallmoonHey, everyone. Could somebody help me write this X with "-" as uppescript like so:14:08:50

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