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13 Dec 2018
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplssenior software person16:22:00
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-thats way over me16:22:16
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-im a single user16:22:18
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-i follow the way i think is good, it works, im fine with it16:22:33
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsok, but you're spreading misinfo16:23:10
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsat least you're putting a disclaimer that you have no idea what you're talking about16:23:21
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-both must be true, im only talking for talking.. enjoying my morning after a big day at work16:23:51
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-im not into any technical at all16:23:58
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-systemd or system v 16:24:20
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-my linux is doing good16:24:29
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplswell ultimately it's all about what you want in a computer16:25:29
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsif you're fine with insecure code and backdoors then so be it16:25:42
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-systemd is not open source?16:26:24
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsit is16:27:25
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-how comes it includes backdoors?16:28:29
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplssounds like ur a bit new16:31:36
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsdo some research16:31:38
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsthis might help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkFNMEk0xn816:47:25
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-thanks bookmarked ill watch it when i get the time16:55:01
@freenode_dingir_-:matrix.orgdingir_-whats the basic behind all of this, fbi nsa and some linux heros are now on the dark side of the force?17:27:51
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsyes, but i wouldn't call them linux heros23:21:16
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsmore like egomaniacs who have much disregard for anything other than their own ideas23:21:43
10 Mar 2019
@joseman:matrix.orgjoseman joined the room.23:14:26
@joseman:matrix.orgjosemanHello shitstemd haters23:15:03
@joseman:matrix.orgjoseman set a profile picture.23:17:17
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplssup boi23:53:12
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsi used to research the systemd source but i got busy w/ other things23:53:47
@dontstalkmepls:matrix.orgdontstalkemplsi'll get back to systemd hating eventually when i do os-level stuff again23:54:02

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