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1 Sep 2021
In reply to @_discordpuppet__866827094087696434:jokergermany.dynv6.net
don't tag the mods #additional-roles
Tagging the mods is fine. It's what we're here for. We can just get to it quicker if you go through ModMail.

On the same note - please don't tag the admins/commissioners.
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221Anyone whos Diamond 2-3 up for smth at 8 EST?22:50:55
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221i might need a 3rd for a scrim22:51:00
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221it means a lot if you can lokey help22:51:08
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221would u be able to uh22:57:12
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221be on standby for a scrim?22:57:23
@_discordpuppet__199307625081339904:jokergermany.dynv6.netSeager Negative. I'm rarely on before 9 pm as thats after my kids are in bed. But if you haven't already done so, go to #additional-roles and select your region, and scrim channels will show up for you. 23:05:04
@_discordpuppet__768957266791497758:jokergermany.dynv6.netYeetboi2221i need a 3rd tho23:07:13
2 Sep 2021
@_discordpuppet__688693649655201793:jokergermany.dynv6.netcryptixu joined the room.02:15:35
@_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.netKindredSpirits0121 joined the room.14:30:02
@_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.netKindredSpirits0121Hey I am still not seeing my week 10 game for 3rd place.14:30:02
@_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.netKindredSpirits0121 * Hey I am still not seeing my week 10 game for 3rd place. ModMail 14:30:33
In reply to @_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.net
Hey I am still not seeing my week 10 game for 3rd place. ModMail
Because it’s currently Week 9. Week 10 will not appear until closer to time
In reply to @_discordpuppet__176488388021452800:jokergermany.dynv6.net
Because it’s currently Week 9. Week 10 will not appear until closer to time
Oh so it will be next week? We had a shortened playoff in 2v2 div 18
In reply to @_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.net
Oh so it will be next week? We had a shortened playoff in 2v2 div 18
No one has shorten playoffs. There are some that did not have a Round 2 (Week 8) match and went from Round 1 to Semi Finals (Week 9).
@_discordpuppet__176488388021452800:jokergermany.dynv6.netDrunkCookiesCannot assign Finals (Week 10) until teams play their Semi Final matches14:34:58
@_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.netKindredSpirits0121Oh okay! Thank you so we will get our Finals match set up next week14:36:10
In reply to @_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.net
Oh okay! Thank you so we will get our Finals match set up next week
Best advice is to check back towards the end of the schedule week. Brackets get updated Saturday-Tuesday since most teams play later in the week
@_discordpuppet__855133793491615756:jokergermany.dynv6.netKindredSpirits0121Will do!14:48:33
@_discordpuppet__476004637783359489:jokergermany.dynv6.netSarverious joined the room.16:02:23
@_discordpuppet__404779404565151744:jokergermany.dynv6.netAnonymouse joined the room.20:20:19
3 Sep 2021
@_discordpuppet__392574129661935618:jokergermany.dynv6.netMrShawns joined the room.15:45:17
@_discordpuppet__423711688034877451:jokergermany.dynv6.netNPS Spaceballs joined the room.20:14:39
@_discordpuppet__423711688034877451:jokergermany.dynv6.netNPS SpaceballsHello20:14:40
@_discordpuppet__324554648138809344:jokergermany.dynv6.netNPS_UnGodly joined the room.20:23:02
@_discordpuppet__324554648138809344:jokergermany.dynv6.netNPS_UnGodlyWhat’s up20:23:03
@jokergermany:matrix.org@jokergermany:matrix.org changed the room name to "gaming-chat" from "rl-general".22:03:48
4 Sep 2021
@_discordpuppet__168880034663104512:jokergermany.dynv6.netEclipse Graphics joined the room.00:57:00
@_discordpuppet__168880034663104512:jokergermany.dynv6.netEclipse Graphicsif the opposing team FF after 3 games, do I click "record a forfeit" or will the staff know what it means if I only put that we won in 3 games even though round 3 is best of 700:57:00

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