
Phala Network

215 Members
4 Servers

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21 Nov 2022
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation changed their display name from Marcin - ooo until 21.11 to Marcin.08:44:40
2 Dec 2022
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation changed their display name from Marcin to Marcin - ooo (sick).06:51:47
5 Dec 2022
@gedizz:matrix.orggedizz joined the room.20:52:16
6 Dec 2022
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation changed their display name from Marcin - ooo (sick) to Marcin.08:33:10
9 Dec 2022
@gedizz:matrix.orggedizz changed their display name from Michael Wolf to gedizz.09:16:35
20 Jan 2023
@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscan changed their display name from Yakio | Subscan to Yakio | Subscan (ooo until Jan28).18:40:45
28 Jan 2023
@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscan changed their display name from Yakio | Subscan (ooo until Jan28) to Yakio | Subscan.13:41:01
3 Feb 2023
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation changed their display name from Marcin to Marcin - ooo till 06.02.11:08:11
4 Feb 2023
@dcompoze:matrix.orgDaniel C changed their display name from Daniel Chmielewski to dcompoze.15:42:01
7 Feb 2023
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation changed their display name from Marcin - ooo till 06.02 to Marcin.12:39:45
9 Feb 2023
@motifnetwork:matrix.orgNICK || motifnetwork joined the room.21:45:48
12 Feb 2023
@motifnetwork:matrix.orgNICK || motifnetwork set a profile picture.09:57:15
15 Feb 2023
@arnobaze:matrix.orgArno joined the room.10:35:52
17 Mar 2023
@marcin:web3.foundation@marcin:web3.foundation left the room.14:04:31
5 Apr 2023
@yayoi-v:matrix.org@yayoi-v:matrix.org left the room.14:55:56
11 Apr 2023
@h4x3rotab:matrix.orgHang Yin | Phala Network [₱] changed their display name from h4x | Phala Network [₱] to Hang Yin | Phala Network [₱].13:15:02
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.09:54:07
6 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.16:44:40
16 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.00:56:06
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.21:26:23
8 Oct 2023
@hamidquresh:matrix.orghamidquresh joined the room.20:01:18
6 Dec 2023
@captaingame:matrix.org队长游戏 joined the room.05:51:31
@captaingame:matrix.org队长游戏!drip 5CJrAfc9cpTnbAR8ngXMyf6g91fviio1cemfB2gqx835vmps05:52:10
14 Feb 2024
@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscan changed their display name from Yakio | Subscan to Yakio | Subscan - ooo.16:02:48
19 Feb 2024
@yakio:matrix.orgYakio | Subscan changed their display name from Yakio | Subscan - ooo to Yakio | Subscan.06:31:32
29 Apr 2024
@dcompoze:matrix.orgDaniel C changed their profile picture.10:04:09
@dcompoze:matrix.orgDaniel C changed their display name from dcompoze to Daniel C.11:05:53
@dcompoze:matrix.orgDaniel C changed their profile picture.12:05:46
@dcompoze:matrix.orgDaniel C changed their profile picture.12:18:13
22 May 2024
@berier:matrix.org@berier:matrix.org left the room.11:50:51

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