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14 Jul 2023
@qverkk:matrix.orgqverkk joined the room.22:23:16
15 Jul 2023
@dabosh_izle:matrix.org@dabosh_izle:matrix.org left the room.22:01:39
16 Jul 2023
@linus:kvasta.se@linus:kvasta.se left the room.11:49:56
17 Jul 2023
@hybridsarcasm:matrix.org@hybridsarcasm:matrix.org changed their profile picture.18:00:06
18 Jul 2023
@tristesse:matrix.orgAndrew changed their profile picture.01:44:33
21 Jul 2023
@istori:matrix.orghdL6c changed their display name from hdL6c (CentOS Stream) to hdL6c (Turquoise Kodkod).21:48:26
22 Jul 2023
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com)

I have some thoughts, if you'll indulge me.

I certainly got good value from LAN. I fully get how the format doesn't seem to lend itself to V4V, which is really a format itself. But I don't believe that means it is not possible...

I'm a Jupiter Party member and I like to stream SATs, and boost from time to time. Even so, I try to be realistic. Do I font feel "entitled" to the LAN I "pay for". That's a really easy mental trap, or misapprehension, to fall into. But I realize my subscription is not a "purchase". It is what it says on the tin. Support for the network as a whole. I don't feel "cheated". Rather, it helps focus me on how much value I continue to get from the network -- and I like all the shows -- and

@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com)I "strongly dislike" using smart phone "keyboards". Ug!16:07:11
@sirlurksalot:jupiterbroadcasting.comSir Lurksalot (jupiterbroadcasting.com)

I was saying... The loss of LAN helps drive home the importance of supporting the network, especially through these trying times.

In the meantime, however, it could be good for the crew to carry a slightly lighter load during the summer news drought anyway. Not everything that seems "bad" in the moment is necessarily so.

I have ideas on how a show like LAN could also incorporate V4V without trampling over the current format. But I think I'll write it up offline where I can organize my thoughts. To be continued.

25 Jul 2023
@batvin123:matrix.org@batvin123:matrix.org left the room.01:06:42
@purplg:purplg.com@purplg:purplg.com joined the room.02:30:09
@bobpattersonjr:matrix.orgbobpattersonjr joined the room.09:06:04
@coy-leek-pro:decentralised.cafeCoo-Ops changed their profile picture.12:47:34
@neyl_824:matrix.orgMichi set a profile picture.16:17:21
27 Jul 2023
@diplo-:matrix.orgdiplo- joined the room.20:56:39
2 Aug 2023
@paul:astaluk.icu@paul:astaluk.icu left the room.09:11:23
4 Aug 2023
@splintter:matrix.orgSplint changed their display name from Andreas to Splint.16:57:24
5 Aug 2023
@coy-leek-pro:decentralised.cafeCoo-Ops changed their display name from Coy Leek Pro to Coo-Ops.15:34:06
@istori:matrix.orghdL6c changed their display name from hdL6c (Turquoise Kodkod) to hdL6c (Bookworm & Turquoise Kodkod).22:11:46
6 Aug 2023
@hunacfunac:plus.st@hunacfunac:plus.st 22:04:19
@hunacfunac:plus.st@hunacfunac:plus.st removed their display name hunacfunac.22:05:31
@hunacfunac:plus.st@hunacfunac:plus.st left the room.22:06:07
8 Aug 2023
@istori:matrix.orghdL6c changed their display name from hdL6c (Bookworm & Turquoise Kodkod) to josh@fedoraproject.org.21:03:32
@istori:matrix.orghdL6c changed their display name from josh@fedoraproject.org to hdL6c (Turquoise Kodkod).21:04:15
9 Aug 2023
@carlwgeorge:matrix.org@carlwgeorge:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:19:49
@randoneering:matrix.org@randoneering:matrix.org joined the room.20:42:31
@randoneering:matrix.org@randoneering:matrix.org set a profile picture.20:45:19
@randoneering:matrix.org@randoneering:matrix.org changed their display name from randoneering to justin@randoneering.20:45:26
@randoneering:matrix.org@randoneering:matrix.org left the room.23:46:53
10 Aug 2023
@platocrates:matrix.orgplatocrates joined the room.01:03:50

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