
Linux Action News Feedback

214 Members
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28 Jul 2024
@akro42:matrix.org@akro42:matrix.org left the room.23:30:03
29 Jul 2024
@m1k3io:matrix.org@m1k3io:matrix.org joined the room.17:05:36
@m1k3io:matrix.org@m1k3io:matrix.org joined the room.17:05:41
@m1k3io:matrix.org@m1k3io:matrix.org left the room.17:05:49
30 Jul 2024
@harb1121:matrix.orgHoussam Harb joined the room.02:09:27
@monty333:matrix.orgMonty changed their display name from monty333 to Monty.23:37:29
7 Aug 2024
@bittin_:matrix.org@bittin_:matrix.org left the room.09:04:59
17 Aug 2024
@squirrellydave:matrix.org@squirrellydave:matrix.org left the room.12:25:17
27 Aug 2024
@canineteeth:matrix.org@canineteeth:matrix.org left the room.11:01:22
2 Sep 2024
@ahosking:matrix.orgCoffeeOrDeath joined the room.01:55:41
@ahosking:matrix.orgCoffeeOrDeath changed their display name from Alexander Hosking to Alex.01:58:38
@ahosking:matrix.orgCoffeeOrDeath changed their display name from Alex to CoffeeOrDeath.12:32:39
3 Sep 2024
@tasiaiso:kitsunes.club@tasiaiso:kitsunes.club changed their display name from Tasia to Tasia [outdated].01:28:20
4 Sep 2024
@thomascwells:matrix.orgthomas_w joined the room.20:33:46
6 Sep 2024
@tasiaiso:kitsunes.club@tasiaiso:kitsunes.club left the room.06:48:02
8 Sep 2024
@bjelinek26:matrix.orgCJ00 joined the room.19:00:46
9 Sep 2024
@ashinnv:matrix.orgmagnolia_mayhem changed their profile picture.22:00:57
@ashinnv:matrix.orgmagnolia_mayhem changed their profile picture.22:04:13
18 Sep 2024
@ahosking:matrix.orgCoffeeOrDeath set a profile picture.16:08:02
21 Sep 2024
@overcuriousity:matrix.mikoshi.deovercuriousity joined the room.10:25:34
13 Oct 2024
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.18:20:28
16 Oct 2024
@menno:mtrx.nz@menno:mtrx.nz left the room.09:50:50

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