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25 May 2022
@_discord_702155384768430161:t2bot.ioZachi.py joined the room.12:24:37
[PolyMC/PolyMC] Pull request closed: #630 ATLauncher: Handle depends for main class and extra arguments
[PolyMC:develop] 4 new commits

f28a0aa ATLauncher: Handle main class depends - jamierocks
101ca60 ATLauncher: Handle extra arguments depends - jamierocks
4ee5264 ATLauncher: Delete files from configs if they c... - jamierocks
7f73e57 Merge pull request #630 from jamierocks/h-atl-d... - Scrumplex

[PolyMC:release\-1\.3\.x] 4 new commits

f28a0aa ATLauncher: Handle main class depends - jamierocks
101ca60 ATLauncher: Handle extra arguments depends - jamierocks
4ee5264 ATLauncher: Delete files from configs if they c... - jamierocks
7f73e57 Merge pull request #630 from jamierocks/h-atl-d... - Scrumplex

@_discord_304387939956293634:t2bot.ioTuta joined the room.13:16:55
@_discord_784365931073765397:t2bot.ioniemogezejsc joined the room.15:05:22
@_discord_926299923220156438:t2bot.ioEmber changed their display name from Ember to Ember#4242.15:06:38
@_discord_926299923220156438:t2bot.ioEmber changed their display name from Ember#4242 to Ember.15:06:45
@_discord_750246315811799082:t2bot.ioKav joined the room.15:11:08
@_discord_210837017381175296:t2bot.iolordcoletrain joined the room.15:52:03
@_discord_102519253193744384:t2bot.ioZerimore joined the room.15:57:15
@_discord_399013036511330324:t2bot.ioGustavo Jadson joined the room.16:00:34
[PolyMC/PolyMC] Issue opened: #644 Add version number to Windows installer

### Role

I handle PolyMC's manifest on WinGet

### Suggestion

The PolyMC version number should be included in the Windows installer

### Benefit

This would allow WinGet to detect PolyMC is outdated and update it

### This suggestion is unique

- [X] I have searched the issue tracker and did not find an issue describing my suggestion, especially not one that has been rejected.

### You may use the editor below to elaborate further.


@_discord_446690119366475796:t2bot.iomini_bomba joined the room.16:28:58
@_discord_294785525364031488:t2bot.ioUnicycler joined the room.16:29:48
@_discord_374959774392909824:t2bot.ioOpysium#1817 changed their display name from Opysium to Opysium#1817.18:31:55
@_discord_223064386850258945:t2bot.ioKaseemS joined the room.19:15:12
@_discord_208438363991048192:t2bot.ioJenny joined the room.19:38:25
@_discord_239211078905495552:t2bot.ioMofo joined the room.20:08:10
@_discord_131472297373466625:t2bot.ioNathan joined the room.20:36:59
@_discord_975914622387359804_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 removed their profile picture.21:04:51
[PolyMC:revert\-609\-feature/fix\-blocked\-modpacks] 1 new commit

46cc0e2 Revert "Do the url trick on initial modpack dow... - Scrumplex

@_discord_975914622387359804_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 set a profile picture.21:05:22
[PolyMC/PolyMC] Pull request opened: #645 Revert "Do the url trick on initial modpack download too"

Reverts PolyMC/PolyMC#609

See #621

[PolyMC] Branch revert\-609\-feature/fix\-blocked\-modpacks was force-pushed to `938cae1`

Compare changes

@_discord_917998142035738644:t2bot.ioThatGayLopunny joined the room.22:13:58
26 May 2022
@_discord_638655576754356224:t2bot.ioGambol changed their display name from Gambol to Gambol#0001.02:24:12
@_discord_638655576754356224:t2bot.ioGambol changed their display name from Gambol#0001 to Gambol.02:24:20
@_discord_269372274233049088:t2bot.ioJustJinxed joined the room.02:40:26
[PolyMC/PolyMC] Issue opened: #646 \[Feature Request\] Add the ability to group mods within an instance's modlist\.

### Role

I play modded Minecraft and develop personal modpacks

### Suggestion

I would like the ability to visually group mods in the modlist, similar to how instance can be grouped.

### Benefit

This would help management of large modlists, particularly while troubleshooting or in pack creation. For instance, mods could be (manually) assigned to "client-side", "worldgen", "performance", or whatever categories the user found helpful.

### This suggestion is unique

- [X] I have searched th...


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