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21 Jul 2024
@telegram_5655878201:t2bot.iogrengarCorrupted by the ways of the orient08:46:10
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to grengar
Corrupted by the ways of the orient
The country which ruled about 1/4 of the world complains about immigrants now.
(Some people claim that importing people from the 3rd world is importing the 3rd world itself while some others claim that "diversity and cultural enrichers" are their strengths.)
In reply to @telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io
The country which ruled about 1/4 of the world complains about immigrants now.
(Some people claim that importing people from the 3rd world is importing the 3rd world itself while some others claim that "diversity and cultural enrichers" are their strengths.)
I only hear suits who live apart from normal society say the latter
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
Poll: 🎵🎵🎵 Who are coolest?
  1. Drummers/ percussionists 🥁
  2. Guitarists/ bassists 🎸
  3. DJs 🎛🎚
Vote with !tg vote YwBZwW+1AAAA8+M <choice number>
@Shifulor , @baguettedad, @gianmarcogg03 , @Cybersecbyte, @arthckrr, @hilledkinged
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
@Shifulor , @baguettedad, @gianmarcogg03 , @Cybersecbyte, @arthckrr, @hilledkinged
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The TempestPeople, You are interested in/ studied/ know about various fields/topics. You may have noticed that perceptions of some parts related to them held by the general public (or people who don't know much about that field) are completely different from those who know about them. Tell us something related to those fields/topics which would mind-blow us. (We don't need long descriptions here because of search engines, LLMs etc. Describe very briefly.)16:39:47
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest* People, You are interested in/ studied/ know about various fields/topics. You may have noticed that perceptions of some parts related to them held by the general public (or people who don't know much about that field) might be completely different from those who know about them. Tell us something related to those fields/topics which would mind-blow us. (We don't need long descriptions here because of search engines, LLMs etc. Describe very briefly.)17:12:46
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest* People, You are interested in/ studied/ know about various fields/topics. You may have noticed that perceptions of some parts related to them held by the general public (or people who don't know much about that field) might be completely different from those who know about them. Tell us something related to any of those fields/topics which would mind-blow us. (We don't need long descriptions here because of search engines, LLMs etc. Describe very briefly.)17:44:40
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempestimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_5832490906:t2bot.io9Sense Ω
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
sent an image
goes hard
24 Jul 2024
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
You are interested in/ studied/ know about various fields/topics.
You may have noticed that perceptions of some parts related to them held by the general public (or people who don't know much about that field) are completely different from those who know about them.
Tell us something related to those fields/topics which would mind-blow us.
(We don't need long descriptions here because of search engines, LLMs etc. Describe very briefly.)
Who controls the central banks
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_5655878201:t2bot.iogrengarIt's the irish03:27:46
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The TempestRedacted or Malformed Event08:36:30
In reply to @telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io
You are interested in/ studied/ know about various fields/topics.
You may have noticed that perceptions of some parts related to them held by the general public (or people who don't know much about that field) are completely different from those who know about them.
Tell us something related to those fields/topics which would mind-blow us.
(We don't need long descriptions here because of search engines, LLMs etc. Describe very briefly.)
All birds are drones controller by the governmnet.
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to Me
Who controls the central banks
Who is behind modern Wokeness and related ideas like "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"?
@telegram_1621363547:t2bot.ioMeAlso called clash of clans goblins09:13:28
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
Who is behind modern Wokeness and related ideas like "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"?
The newsJ
@root:grengar.netGrengarit's right on the tip of my nose10:14:00
@telegram_849628906:t2bot.ioqueso (quack)
In reply to @9front:matrix.org
All birds are drones controller by the governmnet.
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempestimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest"Take a little walk to the edge of town and go across the tracks... On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with a red right hand"13:12:50
In reply to 🦅 The Tempest
sent an image
Blud is not thomas shelby
@telegram_5655878201:t2bot.iogrengarYou are not him bro17:50:11
26 Jul 2024
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The TempestRedacted or Malformed Event06:09:22
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to grengar
I didn't get you or you didn't get what I wanted to say?
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to grengar
I asked that question from German, Russian, Italian and Portuguese speakers here.
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The TempestRedacted or Malformed Event15:33:37
@telegram_1314626573:t2bot.io🦅 The Tempest
In reply to grengar
Sorry for deleting the message.

As I know, there are specific question words in Indic languages to get ordinal number answers such as 1st, 100th, etc. (when talking about position of a player in a race, a chapter of a book, etc. )
There's a term in my language which might be hardly translated as 'how many-th'.

I haven't noticed a similar thing in English, except using 'what position, what place' etc. in relevent situations.
I needed to know if similar specific question words exist in other European languages.

Explaining what I needed to express above in English might be like trying to do object orriented programming with C.

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