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26 Feb 2024
@tomz_plug:matrix.org@tomz_plug:matrix.org joined the room.21:55:34
28 Feb 2024
@demonaddress:matrix.orghttps://tiny.cc/codingsCould all just migrate to a better room where you don't have to worry about spam. Hosted on another server07:23:50
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarp masayuki: well hello there 👋 21:27:36
In reply to @demonaddress:matrix.org
Could all just migrate to a better room where you don't have to worry about spam. Hosted on another server
that is not gon make spam go away and it's not been outstanding issue here so migrating would be pointless
@masayuki:wired.rehabmasayuki sup protowarp 21:37:12
In reply to @protowarp:matrix.org
that is not gon make spam go away and it's not been outstanding issue here so migrating would be pointless
I agree spam problem isn't that bad. We do have a discord for anyone who'd rather interact there though. See link up thread.
@protocall7:matrix.orgprotocall7 Graham: have you considered doing a matrix bridge to the discord server? 21:39:35
@graham:castleton.esGrahamGood idea21:40:47
In reply to @protowarp:matrix.org
that is not gon make spam go away and it's not been outstanding issue here so migrating would be pointless
not much, i'm mostly just a lurker for this room. i'm not really smart enough to do my own isp stuff, i just an eye for potential alternatives to government agenda mega ISP corporations
In reply to @protowarp:matrix.org
that is not gon make spam go away and it's not been outstanding issue here so migrating would be pointless
* not much, i'm mostly just a lurker for this room. i'm not really smart enough to do my own isp stuff, i just keep an eye for potential alternatives to government agenda mega ISP corporations
In reply to @graham:castleton.es
I agree spam problem isn't that bad. We do have a discord for anyone who'd rather interact there though. See link up thread.
not a fan of discord, hadn't used it in years
@graham:castleton.esGrahamhonestly I'm not a big discord user either. I like the idea of a bridge, we'll look in to that more21:51:42
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpbut yeah many people see to like doing bridges. am curious also if users in discord could see my messages 21:54:05
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarp * but yeah many people seem to like doing bridges. am curious also if users in discord could see my messages 21:54:15
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpwould i have to register with the bridge?21:54:54
@graham:castleton.esGrahamI don't think you would have to do anything. Messages in the room would be bridged back and forth transparently, as I understand.21:55:34
@protocall7:matrix.orgprotocall7not normally. The way i've seen it work is that there would be a user in discord called Matrix-Bridge or something similar and the messages would come across from that user with your matrix username attached like Matrix: (protowarp) protowarp's message here21:56:26
@protocall7:matrix.orgprotocall7and same on this side for the discord users21:56:44
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpif discord weren't so damn intrusive and restrictive of registry, make account with it22:00:38
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarp * if discord weren't so damn intrusive and restrictive of registry, i would make account with it22:00:53
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpsadly is like that with nearly all social media22:02:09
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpspeaking of which been searching for an sms verification site that would work with youtube22:04:27
@protowarp:matrix.orgprotowarpsites requiring phone numbers anytime you use a VPN is just nonsense22:05:10
In reply to @protocall7:matrix.org
Graham: have you considered doing a matrix bridge to the discord server?
People use matrix to get away from spycord's tracking & selling info. Why would want a bridge to that shit
In reply to @protowarp:matrix.org
that is not gon make spam go away and it's not been outstanding issue here so migrating would be pointless
It will make spam go away because 1 they have to know the hs & even if they do manage to target like hey lets stop bombarding matrix.org's server & hit hs server B well guess what. The hs can take preventive measures with ACL. Plus you know there are moderations bot too you can host them & configure.
@protocall7:matrix.orgprotocall7this is true, and definitely something to balance when making the decision on whether or not to bridge. The only reason I brought it up is because there's two separate sets of conversations going on, each of which would be relevant to the other group. I don't particularly like discord either, but that doesn't mean theres not good conversations going on over there that we would miss out on here otherwise22:28:30
@demonaddress:matrix.orghttps://tiny.cc/codings* It will make spam go away because 1 they have to know the hs & even if they do manage to target like hey lets stop bombarding matrix.org's server & hit hs server B well guess what. The hs can take preventive measures with ACL. Plus you know there are moderations bot too you can host them & configure. On my hs we have our moderation bot configured & all those spam messages that you see all over matrix we've filtered for them to autoban those & since our homeserver has been up we haven't had any spam issues yet for 7 months now our bots taken 0 action because nobody is spamming.22:29:39
29 Feb 2024
@hainrichxxx:matrix.org@hainrichxxx:matrix.org joined the room.02:14:27
@hainrichxxx:matrix.org@hainrichxxx:matrix.org left the room.02:14:50

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