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22 Apr 2021
@_discord_636603108742660116:t2bot.iokalmari#9091 changed their display name from kalmari#9362 to kalmari.12:51:18
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 True, there was sauermod too 12:55:36
@_discord_558351920352198657:t2bot.io어드바이태그 changed their display name from AdvayTAG to 어드바이태그#3550.16:03:10
@_discord_558351920352198657:t2bot.io어드바이태그 changed their display name from 어드바이태그#3550 to 어드바이태그.16:03:11
24 Apr 2021
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 changed their display name from Detective Sniper-Chan to SniperGoth.#1436.00:26:37
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 changed their display name from SniperGoth.#1436 to Detective Sniper-Chan.00:26:39
@_discord_525500285620322345:t2bot.ioProtoThad#9937 How much interest is there in pulling like the old sauerbraten single player missions back into RE? I've already done much of the work on a copy of the tesseract code base, but I'm wrestling with the idea moving all my work to RE and moving forward from there. 16:02:35
@_discord_525500285620322345:t2bot.ioProtoThad#9937 * How much interest is there in pulling something like the old sauerbraten single player missions back into RE? I've already done much of the work on a copy of the tesseract code base, but I'm wrestling with the idea moving all my work to RE and moving forward from there. 16:03:00
@_discord_525500285620322345:t2bot.ioProtoThad#9937 * How much interest is there in pulling something like the old sauerbraten single player missions back into RE? I've already done much of the work on a copy of the tesseract code base, but I'm wrestling with the idea of moving all my work to RE and moving forward from there. 16:06:50
@_discord_154335510020620288:t2bot.ioJoel There has been some discussions on introducing a single player mode into RE.

We're torn between a tournament style campaign with bots, and single player missions with unique enemies.
@_discord_525500285620322345:t2bot.ioProtoThad#9937 Well, we could always just do both. 😁 16:57:06
@_discord_525500285620322345:t2bot.ioProtoThad#9937 The work I've done so far is more single player missions with unique enemies, but some of the work applies to any mode that is not network / team play. 16:57:57
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 yeah many people have been interested in a campaign mode of sorts over the years, but people always have ideas, yet little comes to fruition out of it. 17:10:36
@_discord_165525797589745664:t2bot.ioDANZIG GUMAN, Esq. I've never been able to understand what people find interesting in janky campaigns in games like this 17:11:37
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 years ago (possibly) about 10 years now, there was a mode called alpha-campaign back then, which was more or less a co-op mode to "defeat waves of enemies, to open doors to get to the next area" kind of thing 17:11:38
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 i think alphacampaign was taken out by 1.4 17:16:09
@_discord_154335510020620288:t2bot.ioJoel The problem with coming up with a campaign mode is that there's very little resources to work with at the moment. 17:24:04
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 Yup. 17:24:11
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 I recall quin saying that when we get enough enemy types, we can make a survival-like gamemode. 17:24:38
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 With only turrets, the roller, and the basic grunts, we can't really make a lot of stuff that could be fun in a campaign. 17:25:08
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 * I recall quin saying that when we get enough enemy types, we can make a survival-like gamemode in the future.. 17:25:44
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 * With only turrets, the roller, and the basic grunts, we can't really make a lot of stuff that could be fun in a campaign currently. 17:25:53
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 yeah even still, the drones/grunts/turrets are still missing models for the onslaught mode 17:26:01
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 True. 17:26:09
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 did you ever explore more ideas with turrets 17:26:27
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 i remember you worked on one before 17:26:32
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 My robot worker was supposed to be the replacement for the grunts, but at this rate they are only gonna be background characters lol 17:27:01
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 ah 17:27:13
@_discord_275274268286386176:t2bot.iosnipergoth.#0 I vote to bring the old grunt model back 17:27:32
@_discord_351403756648136705:t2bot.iounixfreak#6601 wasn't it like 200 polys 😛 17:27:56

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