
Rust Language Design Analysis

587 Members
房间进入历史存档状态。任何人都可以浏览以前的聊天历史记录,但是不能继续发言。7 Servers

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11 Jun 2021
@regomne:matrix.org@regomne:matrix.org left the room.10:31:24
@ksqsf:matrix.org@ksqsf:matrix.org left the room.11:37:28
8 Jul 2021
@arbipher:matrix.org@arbipher:matrix.org left the room.18:39:33
27 Jul 2021
@stevearzh:matrix.org@stevearzh:matrix.org left the room.04:16:24
19 Aug 2021
@cz2020:matrix.org@cz2020:matrix.org left the room.09:58:11
10 Nov 2021
@rkpks:matrix.org@rkpks:matrix.org left the room.00:22:17
1 Feb 2022
@lijinlei:matrix.org@lijinlei:matrix.org left the room.09:50:23
9 Feb 2022
@yinwang0:matrix.orgian changed the join rule to "public" from "invite".13:44:57
@neo0:matrix.orgneo0 joined the room.13:45:46
@1000min:matrix.org1000min joined the room.13:46:28
@qiooo:matrix.orgqiooo joined the room.13:48:00
@kirokuer:matrix.org@kirokuer:matrix.org joined the room.13:50:56
@simplecode:matrix.orgsimplecode joined the room.14:00:09
@tujinyu3517:matrix.org涂晋宇 joined the room.14:29:14
@konka:matrix.orgkonka joined the room.14:46:18
@windyz:matrix.orgwindy zhang joined the room.16:26:32
@ctw2100:matrix.orgctw2100 joined the room.16:44:54
@shevonlan:matrix.orgshevonlan joined the room.23:09:53
10 Feb 2022
@caowentao:matrix.org曹文涛 joined the room.02:26:11
@saigut:matrix.orgTTT changed their display name from Saigut to TTT.10:29:59
@kfcbro:matrix.orgkfcbro joined the room.16:06:36
11 Feb 2022
@jackfruit-small:matrix.org松子仁 joined the room.01:55:26
@singyun:matrix.orgsingyun joined the room.15:08:00
12 Feb 2022
@kirokuer:matrix.org@kirokuer:matrix.org joined the room.10:25:33
@kirokuer:matrix.org@kirokuer:matrix.org left the room.10:25:50
22 Feb 2022
@peixin:matrix.orgPeixin Liu joined the room.15:40:28
2 Mar 2022
@okqin:matrix.orgokqin joined the room.03:29:08
19 Mar 2022
@nicball:matrix.org_nicball set a profile picture.11:31:50
28 Mar 2022
@anastasiaromanoff:matrix.org@anastasiaromanoff:matrix.org joined the room.23:56:55
29 Mar 2022
@anastasiaromanoff:matrix.org@anastasiaromanoff:matrix.org left the room.11:36:10

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