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20 Nov 2023
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravimage.png
Download image.png
21 Nov 2023
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravRedacted or Malformed Event00:49:26
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravimage.png
Download image.png
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravwhat is "you know who" then00:51:11
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebab rothschilds duh 00:51:23
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebab keke 00:51:31
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravthe rothchilds are uncollateralized and controlled by humans00:52:02
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravmaybe he means gold-redeemable00:53:52
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravactually no that doesn't make sense00:54:18
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravmaybe gold itself00:54:23
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebab ozs or kilos 00:58:28
In reply to @kbrav:matrix.org
what is "you know who" then
thought he meant tether
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravah yeah that makes sense01:01:33
In reply to @fishfish:matrix.org
By algorithmic do you still mean overcollateralized?
No, collat just code
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravcollateral is a philosophy when you think about it πŸͺ΄21:20:51
23 Nov 2023
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravhaspy thxgiv πŸ“†πŸ“†πŸ“†06:57:14
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmFeliz DΓ­a de AcciΓ³n de Gracias!15:17:00
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmFrom ice cold Palo Alto 15:17:17
24 Nov 2023
@dmfxyz:matrix.org🎱 dmfxyz happy thanksgiving sirs 02:41:44
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebab happy thanksgiving to allΒ  02:44:18
@sheikhkebab:matrix.orgsheikhkebab and keep the change ya filthy animals 02:45:12
25 Nov 2023
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravI like stability primitive07:37:44
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravIts so unloaded07:37:50
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravMakes no assumptions about how this is supposed to work07:38:00
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravIf you call it anything else I'm offended (jk)07:38:26
1 Dec 2023
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravimage.png
Download image.png
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-dom
In reply to @kbrav:matrix.org
sent an image.
You wouldn't be able to write this w/o quantum mechanics:-)
@lasthayek:matrix.orglasthayek joined the room.12:46:41
@lasthayek:matrix.orglasthayekhello, I read a message here about everyone being a nerd, so I came if you were a manager at an international bank and the board was offering you big budgets to establish crypto businesses, what would you do? The current bets are only trading/custody -- due to market surveys. the dream would be to get a budget to pursue Rico-bank-wise projects,yep but there is no qualified staff nor space to present it to the board. -only the wrong answers, I should not pursue13:44:08
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmDepends on which plane your moral compass lies 15:29:34

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