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9 Nov 2023
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmAnd run anvil 06:52:55
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBoom 06:52:57
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmThe tool I was planning to use 06:53:20
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmWas that paid eth testing platform everyone seems to use 06:53:39
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmHas a weird name 06:53:42
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmPlainly 06:53:45
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmPlumpy 06:53:48
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmSomething 06:53:51
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmAh Tenderly 06:54:31
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmOne of their dads got stuck sitting next to me in Taiwan, poor guy 06:54:43
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBut he sold it pretty well06:54:47
@polyset:matrix.orgrpm* One of their devs got stuck sitting next to me in Taiwan, poor guy 06:55:03
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravwhat is a detector?06:55:54
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domautomated vulnerability detector06:56:46
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmOk I'm out 06:57:04
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmIf you just kept it clean and did human audits with built in hooks to sign up I might bite 06:57:49
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBut automated anything 06:57:59
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmI'm out 06:58:02
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBut im the worst 06:58:07
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmI used to build and sell security software 06:58:14
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domautemtahk just means a computer does it instead of a human06:58:17
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmVuln disco 06:58:24
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmThe holy Grail 06:58:27
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domwhat does automated mean for you?06:58:30
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmNot a human 06:58:39
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmI want a human06:58:46
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domyou can do that as well (full detector api).06:59:02
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmI also don't want to work with a company that thinks they can build an automatic vulnerability detector06:59:06
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmEven though it sounds good on paper and the CEO probably thinks it will sell06:59:14

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