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9 Nov 2023
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domumm tob does as well?06:59:21
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domand consensus.06:59:25
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domall major security firms.06:59:31
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmStatic analysis is one thing 06:59:33
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domyeah06:59:39
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmDynamic is another 06:59:41
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domit's called a static analysis detector06:59:46
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domi never said automated (we have that too)06:59:59
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmAutomated vuln disco is just a noisemaker 07:00:03
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-dom* i never said dynamic (we have that too)07:00:10
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmRemember the ruby one 07:00:20
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmWe all used 07:00:22
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmThat people just muted 07:00:28
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBack in the day 07:00:31
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domhow would you describe slither and woke other than automated vulnerability detectors @rpm I'm curious07:01:00
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmAnyways I'm gonna go be optimistic and build something 07:01:00
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmGlhf! 07:01:03
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravwell you're talking about it as a major selling point of a full stack testing framework, most would see slither as just one smol tool they use to detect vulnerabilities07:02:10
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-domimho the fuzzer, LSP and visualization is the main selling point cmp to forge07:02:43
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravwell foundry has static analysis, it uses slither07:04:17
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravand foundry has fuzzing07:04:20
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-dom
In reply to @kbrav:matrix.org
well foundry has static analysis, it uses slither
it doesn come in the box
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-dom
In reply to @kbrav:matrix.org
and foundry has fuzzing
not really, no flow sequencing
@dominikteiml:matrix.orghacker-dom - lnk.bio/hacker-dom ("kindergarten" fuzzer) 07:05:30
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmBro have you been to kindergarten 07:05:43
@kbrav:matrix.org🍠 kbravcool i'll check it out07:05:47
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmIt's awesome 07:05:48
@polyset:matrix.orgrpmSnacks 07:05:57

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