
Community FOSS Gaming

182 Members
This room is dedicated to discussion about FOSS gaming. We are also planning to keep a community xonotic game on the last weekend of every month. Read Pinned Messages for more info... Other Distrotube Rooms: #distrotube-chatrooms:matrix.org24 Servers

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14 Jul 2023
@eyedontno:cybre.space@eyedontno:cybre.space left the room.19:03:37
17 Jul 2023
@ascend910:matrix.orgAscend -910 joined the room.09:30:58
@nokzemedia:matrix.org@nokzemedia:matrix.org joined the room.16:11:33
18 Jul 2023
@rayleigh:tchncs.de@rayleigh:tchncs.de left the room.23:20:47
21 Jul 2023
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from Arya [projectsegfau.lt] to Arya [projectsegfau.lt] (out of matrix till 3/8/23 due to exams).15:58:32
@34743541f:matrix.org@34743541f:matrix.org joined the room.23:16:07
@34743541f:matrix.org@34743541f:matrix.org left the room.23:24:30
25 Jul 2023
@snowkitty:projectsegfau.lt@snowkitty:projectsegfau.lt left the room.19:09:35
1 Aug 2023
@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life joined the room.01:01:14
@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life 01:04:02
@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.lifeIs this room still used? Seems pretty inactive05:03:09
In reply to @zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life
Is this room still used? Seems pretty inactive
Occasyonally. This is DistroTube's gaming matrix channel, and he is pretty inactive on matrix, so his matrix channels too. 🙁
@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.lifeThat is fair. I was hoping to find some game recommendations. I am looking for a FOSS city builder.10:14:22
@x43h:tchncs.de@x43h:tchncs.de joined the room.10:23:34
@x43h:tchncs.de@x43h:tchncs.de changed their display name from x43h to Schokozombie.10:31:22
In reply to @zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life
That is fair. I was hoping to find some game recommendations. I am looking for a FOSS city builder.

There are a bunch of it: https://libregamewiki.org/City_building_games

And I think this is the most active gaming channel: https://matrix.to/#/#libregaming-general:tchncs.de

2 Aug 2023
@yuchin1189:matrix.orgyuchin1189 joined the room.13:25:25
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from Arya [projectsegfau.lt] (out of matrix till 3/8/23 due to exams) to Arya [projectsegfau.lt].13:40:07
@agitated_house:matrix.orgagitated_house joined the room.20:11:25
5 Aug 2023
@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life@zarya:matrix.kaczynski.life left the room.10:11:43
7 Aug 2023
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org banned @liligray:matrix.org@liligray:matrix.org.13:54:41
8 Aug 2023
@eyuphuro:matrix.orghamza changed their display name from eyuphuro to hamza.17:58:37
14 Aug 2023
@jaredmohammed:matrix.orgJared Mohammed changed their profile picture.00:33:48
16 Aug 2023
@sanalmakina:matrix.orgsanalMakina changed their profile picture.14:02:35
17 Aug 2023
@sanalmakina:matrix.orgsanalMakina changed their profile picture.18:44:52
20 Aug 2023
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net joined the room.08:25:06
21 Aug 2023
@nokzemedia:matrix.org@nokzemedia:matrix.org joined the room.15:16:41
7 Sep 2023
@johnalters:matrix.orgjohnalters joined the room.07:40:42
10 Sep 2023
@x43h:tchncs.de@x43h:tchncs.de changed their display name from Schokozombie to x43h.13:22:57
11 Sep 2023
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org banned @angellofey:matrix.org@angellofey:matrix.org (spammer).11:22:14

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