
Other Operating Systems

198 Members
Topics involving non-Linux operating systems, such as: Windows, MacOS, BSD, Haiku, etc. Other DistroTube Rooms: https://matrix.to/#/!AnJpfYMpaCdwEFxNku:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=halogen.city&via=nitro.chat27 Servers

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27 Dec 2022
@aryak:vern.ccArya [Migrated to @aryak:projectsegfau.lt] changed their display name from Arya to Arya [Migrated to @aryak:projectsegfau.lt].07:45:55
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.lt changed their display name from Arya [pjsf.lt] to Arya [projectsegfau.lt].08:12:33
31 Dec 2022
Download image.png
3 Jan 2023
@slips:slipfox.xyzSlips 🏳️‍🌈 (https://slipfox.xyz) left the room.06:30:12
4 Jan 2023
@weyoundax:matrix.orgWeyoun Dax left the room.22:20:41
5 Jan 2023
@arya:envs.netArya [Migrated to @arya:frei.chat] changed their display name from Arya [Migrated to @aryak:vern.cc] to Arya [Migrated to @aryak:projectsegfau.lt].15:25:16
12 Jan 2023
@oj:d0.ee@oj:d0.ee left the room.19:41:22
16 Jan 2023
@fmwm:projectsegfau.ltFMWM changed their display name from fmwm to FMWM.18:53:49
17 Jan 2023
@ozcanberkciftci:matrix.orgDeanne changed their profile picture.06:38:14
20 Jan 2023
@hardcoreterminaluser69:envs.net@hardcoreterminaluser69:envs.net left the room.02:37:52
@jamesreid:matrix.org@jamesreid:matrix.org joined the room.11:38:06
21 Jan 2023
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.09:34:41
22 Jan 2023
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.12:32:00
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.12:34:25
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.12:34:56
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.12:58:25
@thetapo:matrix.org@thetapo:matrix.org joined the room.14:38:15
24 Jan 2023
@jamesreid:matrix.org@jamesreid:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:42:01
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.lt Ulfnic: 16:45:03
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org banned @jamesreid:matrix.org@jamesreid:matrix.org.22:08:07
26 Jan 2023
@zachir:zachir.xyzzachirSo how about the Super Tux17:25:34
31 Jan 2023
@mossy:chat.wilkinsons.cloud@mossy:chat.wilkinsons.cloud joined the room.23:24:51
1 Feb 2023
@angeryboi:matrix.organgeryboi changed their display name from AngeryBoi to dmvrr.10:35:01
5 Feb 2023
@walll:matrix.org@walll:matrix.org joined the room.21:16:29
6 Feb 2023
@weyoundax:matrix.orgWeyoun Dax joined the room.01:47:06
8 Feb 2023
@mossy:chat.wilkinsons.cloud@mossy:chat.wilkinsons.cloud changed their profile picture.16:19:59
10 Feb 2023
@gravesociety16:matrix.orgThe Ghost joined the room.23:30:09
@gravesociety16:matrix.orgThe Ghostfoss gaming cool 23:30:49
12 Feb 2023
@gravesociety16:matrix.orgThe GhostScreenshot from 2023-02-12 03-12-22.png
Download Screenshot from 2023-02-12 03-12-22.png
@gravesociety16:matrix.orgThe Ghostwho should i be?03:13:11

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