
Other Operating Systems

204 Members
Topics involving non-Linux operating systems, such as: Windows, MacOS, BSD, Haiku, etc. Other DistroTube Rooms: https://matrix.to/#/!AnJpfYMpaCdwEFxNku:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=halogen.city&via=nitro.chat27 Servers

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28 Apr 2023
@snowkitty:projectsegfau.lt@snowkitty:projectsegfau.lt joined the room.12:09:32
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.org@imlostlmao:matrix.org joined the room.10:15:08
@leadone:matrix.org@leadone:matrix.org joined the room.17:48:27
@leadone:matrix.org@leadone:matrix.org left the room.17:49:44
1 May 2023
@ulfnic:matrix.orgUlfnic banned @imlostlmao:matrix.org@imlostlmao:matrix.org (bot).17:23:45
4 May 2023
@jacobteske:nitro.chat@jacobteske:nitro.chat joined the room.07:09:40
5 May 2023
@toni:tonibot.ddns.net@toni:tonibot.ddns.net set a profile picture.06:07:56
@toni:tonibot.ddns.net@toni:tonibot.ddns.net changed their profile picture.06:09:30
7 May 2023
@gk9501:envs.net@gk9501:envs.net left the room.02:51:03
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.02:51:18
14 May 2023
@hetich:matrix.org@hetich:matrix.org joined the room.05:48:53
@hetich:matrix.org@hetich:matrix.org left the room.05:49:09
15 May 2023
@daksh:tchncs.dedakshThis room must be revived07:43:24
@aryak:projectsegfau.lt@aryak:projectsegfau.ltIt basically died after slips left07:46:43
16 May 2023
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiWell, does anyone know where can I find the game+source+manpages for BSD Sail? It is not an easy game to look for as you can imagine17:54:58
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiIt is a boat battle simulator in real time, with wind simulation, historical battles, and all that cool stuff on a TUI17:57:35
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiIt even supports multiplayer (sail server when?) too17:58:06
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigi On Ubuntu, it was on the bsdgames/bsd-games package 17:58:59
17 May 2023
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenkI found the sources16:50:59
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenkI think16:51:01
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenkIt's in the AUR, like everything* else16:51:18
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenkhttps://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/games/ https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bsd-games216:51:25
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenk Bowuigi: 16:51:27
@neopenk:matrix.orgneopenkthe sources to sail are in bsd-games-2.17.tar.gz16:52:50
Download image.png
In reply to @neopenk:matrix.org
It's in the AUR, like everything* else
Huh, I only found nbsdgames
18 May 2023
@smashmaster:matrix.orgRaymond changed their display name from javaarchive to smashmaster.02:04:17

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