
Other Operating Systems

204 Members
Topics involving non-Linux operating systems, such as: Windows, MacOS, BSD, Haiku, etc. Other DistroTube Rooms: https://matrix.to/#/!AnJpfYMpaCdwEFxNku:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=halogen.city&via=nitro.chat27 Servers

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28 Jun 2024
@jacobteske:nitro.chat@jacobteske:nitro.chat left the room.00:35:28
29 Jun 2024
@amolinae:matrix.orgAlejandro changed their profile picture.20:50:34
@amolinae:matrix.orgAlejandro changed their display name from amolinae to Ī»molinae.20:50:59
30 Jun 2024
@amolinae:matrix.orgAlejandro left the room.19:25:05
2 Jul 2024
@ulfnic:matrix.orgUlfnic left the room.11:26:18
5 Jul 2024
@gordan_freeman:ungleich.chgordan joined the room.11:32:02
12 Jul 2024
@dinoterminator:matrix.orgDinoTerminator joined the room.09:40:43
@dinoterminator:matrix.orgDinoTerminatorWhat do you recommend playing on Linux?09:41:00
14 Jul 2024
In reply to @dinoterminator:matrix.org
What do you recommend playing on Linux?
I mainly play wesnoth, freeorion and widelands
16 Jul 2024
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.23:15:02
17 Jul 2024
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.00:26:19
@def_spacewar:matrix.orgdef_SpaceWar šŸ¤£ joined the room.02:50:09
19 Jul 2024
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:39
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:51
@epiczero:matrix.org@epiczero:matrix.org left the room.21:23:59
21 Jul 2024
In reply to @dinoterminator:matrix.org
What do you recommend playing on Linux?
Modded gzdoom is great for low spec gaming
25 Jul 2024
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manopla joined the room.16:29:40
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manopla A source port that I recommend is woof 16:38:37
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiGzdoom works very slowly on my laptop, doomretro is way better performance-wise but I can't look up and down, which is a bit annoying. Any recommendations?18:22:51
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaZandronum18:23:21
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiThe Vulkan port vkdoom could be useful, but I would have to compile it from source as Nix doesn't distribute it18:23:29
In reply to @manito_manopla:matrix.org
For some reason Weston crashed when I tried it, I will try again today
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaTry woof18:27:32
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaWorks better than gzdoom and zandronum18:30:16
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manopla Bowuigi: If you want something old school, then use chocolate doom 22:48:26
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiJust compiled woof23:01:28
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiIt has free look, very nice indeed23:01:40
@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.orgBowuigiI think I will main this one. Thanks!23:01:57
26 Jul 2024
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaNot problem00:25:07

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