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2 Apr 2024
@alibaustx:matrix.orgalibaustxI wonder if the rM discord will now consider a move to here given the announcement today that discord will start showing ads. 00:01:54
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissI would be happy to. I'm not very familiar with matrix and am curious if theres a way to create/bridge the channels the discord server has.00:43:35
@alibaustx:matrix.orgalibaustxthere used to be a bridge to the main rM discord channel but it died a few months ago.07:21:52
@el1042:matrix.uni-freiburg.de@el1042:matrix.uni-freiburg.de joined the room.12:13:47
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissAhh I see. On that note, I just asked the discord if they would be interested in having a community on Lemmy that I would be happy to create/moderate. There wasn't much interest so I'll ask here as well (I was not aware the bridge died). It would be open to any reMarkable related content and would likely be more developer oriented than the subreddit. I already have 5 or 6 things to share in mind and would love to see drawings, keyboard setups, templates, software releases, and whatever anyone is hacking on. Would anyone read/post to a reMarkable community on Lemmy?12:52:36
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissIn any case, has anyone been building anything interesting? Now that I'm comfortable with neovim I can practically use the rM as a second monitor/thin client. I created a client/server that allows me to send dev/input events from my desktop to the remarkable. Since I use i3 on my desktop, I'm one button click away from sending keyboard events to the tablet, over USB, Wi-Fi, or tailscale. Had to hack on yaft/keywriter and even my desktop terminal urxvt. It's finally done but it's almost to specific to my machines to publish on my GitHub.13:09:34
In reply to @rm-self-serve:matrix.org
Ahh I see. On that note, I just asked the discord if they would be interested in having a community on Lemmy that I would be happy to create/moderate. There wasn't much interest so I'll ask here as well (I was not aware the bridge died).
It would be open to any reMarkable related content and would likely be more developer oriented than the subreddit.
I already have 5 or 6 things to share in mind and would love to see drawings, keyboard setups, templates, software releases, and whatever anyone is hacking on.
Would anyone read/post to a reMarkable community on Lemmy?
I'd be fine with a Lemmy/kbin which could actually be searchable with search engines. A lot of knowledge for remarkable just seems to be hidden away.
@el1042:matrix.uni-freiburg.de@el1042:matrix.uni-freiburg.de left the room.15:04:28
@atka:matrix.orgatkalemmy, matrix, irc, anything that isn't reddit or discord is good imo19:51:55
3 Apr 2024
@raphael:communick.comRaphael LullisThere is a Lemmy community on ` !remarkable@hardware.watch ` 12:34:34
@raphael:communick.comRaphael Lullis* There is a Lemmy community on ` ` ` !remarkable@hardware.watch``` ` `12:35:27
In reply to @raphael:communick.com
There is a Lemmy community on ` ` ` !remarkable@hardware.watch``` ` `
thank you. that should actually help.
In reply to @raphael:communick.com
There is a Lemmy community on !remarkable@hardware.watch``` `
Ah good I couldn't find that via search engine! Did something happen to the community? There seems to be lots of posts 4 months ago but none since
@raphael:communick.comRaphael LullisThe alien.top posts are mirrored from the subreddit. A lot of people were complaining about it, so it was disabled.15:10:05
@raphael:communick.comRaphael LullisBut the community is there, with some subscribers. But the Lemmy crowd is still a bit lazy to post OC on the niche communities. Hopefully we can change that.15:10:55
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissAh I understand. I've been itching to post quite a few things! I could start including badges in my [repos](https://github.com/rM-self-serve) of both the matrix room and the Lemmy community. 15:18:23
@raphael:communick.comRaphael LullisGo for it!17:31:49
4 Apr 2024
@honestgreens:matrix.orghonestgreens joined the room.14:41:34
@misha:pub.solarmisha Hi all, just checking: I have a rM2 and I'm running the latest version that is still compatible with toltec. I use rsync to create backups of my rM2 to my PC (Debian 12). What would be the best way to turn this synced xochitl folder into annotated pdfs? Is that this script? Or are there better alternatives? 16:34:58
@misha:pub.solarmishaThe reason I'm asking is because that script rm2pdf works on some pdfs, but fails on others.16:48:16

Getting this error message on some pdfs:

panic: Failed to initialize parser: Failed to read pdf: Failed to read xref table: Failed to read prev xref: Unsupported /DecodeParms - only tested with /Columns <= 4 and /Predictor <= 12

goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/phpdave11/gofpdi.(*Importer).SetSourceStream(0xc0000c74c0, 0xc0000c2780)
	/home/misha/go/pkg/mod/github.com/phpdave11/gofpdi@v1.0.13/importer.go:95 +0x19b
github.com/jung-kurt/gofpdf/contrib/gofpdi.(*Importer).ImportPageFromStream(0xc0000b0590, {0x64c410, 0xc0003b2000}, 0x3?, 0x3?, {0x5fde78, 0x9})
	/home/misha/go/pkg/mod/github.com/jung-kurt/gofpdf@v1.16.2/contrib/gofpdi/gofpdi.go:54 +0x45
github.com/rorycl/rm2pdf/rmpdf.constructPageWithLayers({0xc0000c26c0, 0x0, {0xc000255080, 0x38}, {0x0, 0xedd70dc20, 0x75fe20}, 0x26d, 0x26d, {0xc000213c00, ...}, ...}, ...)
	/home/misha/git/rm2pdf/rmpdf/pdf.go:90 +0x358
github.com/rorycl/rm2pdf/rmpdf.RM2PDF({0x7ffcec3f0222?, 0x1?}, {0x7ffcec3f0247, 0x1f}, {0x0?, 0xc000030500?}, {0x0, 0x0}, 0x0, {0x0, ...})
	/home/misha/git/rm2pdf/rmpdf/pdf.go:333 +0x3c5
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissUnfortunately I can't help with rm2pdf but I can point you to the built in web interface https://remarkable.guide/tech/usb-web-interface.html Thats how I export all my pdfs. You can check the links at the bottom of the guide in order to enable the web interface on boot and serve it over wifi (shameless plug). I like this method as its accessible and keeps up with the newest file formats. I believe some people have run xochitl in a virtual machine and used it as pdf render server. 18:01:26
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissI also do rsync backups and no cloud! 18:04:14
In reply to @rm-self-serve:matrix.org
Unfortunately I can't help with rm2pdf but I can point you to the built in web interface https://remarkable.guide/tech/usb-web-interface.html
Thats how I export all my pdfs. You can check the links at the bottom of the guide in order to enable the web interface on boot and serve it over wifi (shameless plug). I like this method as its accessible and keeps up with the newest file formats. I believe some people have run xochitl in a virtual machine and used it as pdf render server.

Ah yes, I'm already using the web interface to upload pdfs and download the annotated ones (sometimes manually, sometimes using the API).

But do you have a way to download all files (e.g. using the API of the web interface?) I guess I/we could write a little script that moves through the directory and simply downloads every pdf, but I have quite few pdfs, and it looks like the "embedding" of the annotations to the pdf happens on the rM2 device? Which makes it quite slow?

@misha:pub.solarmisha(Thanks for the answer btw, and thanks for making the web interface accessible through wifi!)18:36:17
@rm-self-serve:matrix.orgreMissI do not have a way, I would likely write a script too. Happy to write privacy respecting software!21:09:32
5 Apr 2024
In reply to @misha:pub.solar

Ah yes, I'm already using the web interface to upload pdfs and download the annotated ones (sometimes manually, sometimes using the API).

But do you have a way to download all files (e.g. using the API of the web interface?) I guess I/we could write a little script that moves through the directory and simply downloads every pdf, but I have quite few pdfs, and it looks like the "embedding" of the annotations to the pdf happens on the rM2 device? Which makes it quite slow?

I meant "all files at once" btw

might this remy issue be of help to you? https://github.com/bordaigorl/remy/issues/49

Also regarding a script, the most efficient way to do this might be just iterating over the document UUIDs
wget --content-disposition "$UUID/placeholder"
And getting the list of $UUIDs from the xochitl directory. The --content-disposition part makes sure wget stores the file with the right filename (as seen on the webUI). Otherwise wget will store it under the name 'placeholder'.

If you find a good way for off-device conversion I'd also be happy to hear it. I bet the wget method will take a loooong time with many documents on the device.

To quickly filter the .metadata files, something like
grep '"visibleName": "2024-01' *.metadata
could work, replacing the 2024-01 part with what you need to find. this gives me all documents that have a name starting with 2024-01 and prints their .metadata filename along with the visibleName property.

@pong:matrix.orgpongjust tested it with a small batch: 25 documents 5MB in size 75 pages not densely written no annotated pds, just notebooks took a bit less than 20 seconds14:22:32
@pong:matrix.orgpong using the wget, there was one mishap: one file contained a pair of ' in the visibleName property. wget apparently didn't escape that properly and produced a file called '.pdf 14:26:09

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