

241 Members
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20 Sep 2023
@0boro:flipdot.org@0boro:flipdot.org left the room.11:16:10
22 Sep 2023
@cidalex:matrix.org@cidalex:matrix.org joined the room.16:12:16
23 Sep 2023
@k-c:matrix.org@k-c:matrix.org joined the room.18:15:52
27 Sep 2023
@ph00lt0:matrix.org@ph00lt0:matrix.org joined the room.14:56:06
1 Oct 2023
@_discord_755481573046091808:t2bot.ionc0877#0 changed their display name from Nc to nc0877#0.05:28:00
@zaki_fl:matrix.orgzaki changed their display name from zaki to zaki (no dms, going through some stuff rn).12:09:49
2 Oct 2023
@nicht-nox:matrix.orgNox joined the room.03:22:40
7 Oct 2023
@lcalamar:matrix.orglcalamar joined the room.14:56:56
8 Oct 2023
@zaki_fl:matrix.orgzaki changed their display name from zaki (no dms, going through some stuff rn) to zaki.18:33:14
@_discord_1016579890125996132:t2bot.iortrq.#0 changed their display name from cyr.r#0 to rtrq.#0.18:55:47
10 Oct 2023
@joelbe:matrix.orgjoel changed their display name from joelbe to joel.15:30:54
11 Oct 2023
@s613:matrix.org@s613:matrix.org set a profile picture.02:27:02
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_868008590806511657:t2bot.ioNeeraj changed their display name from gneeraj#0 to Neeraj.03:47:15
17 Oct 2023
@hagustin88:matrix.orghagustin88 joined the room.00:22:39
@zadig:matrix.trollab.orgzadig joined the room.04:52:07
19 Oct 2023
@s613:matrix.org@s613:matrix.org left the room.14:26:41
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_713709915398471700:t2bot.ioashilkn#0 changed their profile picture.02:20:39
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.ioenteuser changed their display name from randv77#0 to enteuser.19:16:40
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g changed their display name from fr_g#0 to fr_g.20:54:22
26 Oct 2023
@knsrinath:matrix.orgknsrinath joined the room.20:52:06
29 Oct 2023
@side-trips:matrix.org@side-trips:matrix.org joined the room.21:45:16
30 Oct 2023
@timapple:omg.lolTim joined the room.15:30:53
1 Nov 2023
@side-trips:matrix.org@side-trips:matrix.org changed their profile picture.04:44:29
4 Nov 2023
@stardust4675:tchncs.de@stardust4675:tchncs.de joined the room.16:50:53
@stardust4675:tchncs.de@stardust4675:tchncs.de left the room.17:03:48
@covert_czar:matrix.orgcovert_czar(Matrix) joined the room.17:26:25
@dieselnot:matrix.orgtheoulis joined the room.17:56:17
5 Nov 2023
@itsbutcher:matrix.org@itsbutcher:matrix.org joined the room.06:02:29
@skalleper:matrix.orgskalleper joined the room.08:57:36
7 Nov 2023
@elliptic7963:matrix.org@elliptic7963:matrix.org joined the room.14:05:03

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