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19 Dec 2022
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 Oh, I feel bad for him too, must be painful not knowing who to listen to and trust, since it seems that he has surrounded himself by yes-men. Plus with people tracking his plane etc, wouldn't be easy. But it's nothing to do with being rich. I'm sure there are richer people in the world who we know nothing about... 11:37:43
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 I guess he'll bounce back though. He's done some idiotic shit earlier too. Like when he was at paypal, the biggest rift he had was with his CTO. The reason? He was forcing his CTO to move over their entire Unix/Linux infra to Windows 😅 11:39:36
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 #hardcore 11:41:44
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 idrc if he steps down or not, twitter is generally toxic anyway lmao 12:02:55
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 whether twitter dies or gets better, he did humanity a service 12:03:16
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 "the most entertaining outcome is the most likely" 💯 12:04:09
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 he has entertained, so right, he did do a service in all scenarios 12:05:30
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 he should murder tiktok next 12:11:11
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 get the cringe 13yos to touch grass for once 12:11:21
@_discord_1016579890125996132:t2bot.iortrq.#0 lmao is he really gonna step down 😭 13:44:41
@desktop-ebook-defiling:matrix.orgPoeticFever27943578His brain definitely stepped down already15:25:50
@_discord_960808723104821278:t2bot.ioxiorx joined the room.23:08:47
20 Dec 2022
@3tr:matrix.org@3tr:matrix.org joined the room.15:47:08
21 Dec 2022
@alias.x:matrix.org@alias.x:matrix.org joined the room.18:04:31
22 Dec 2022
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 https://f-droid.org/2022/12/18/unifiedpush.html 18:17:45
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 Nifty stuff 18:18:18
23 Dec 2022
@_discord_1051824041834598430:t2bot.ioadamtrlica joined the room.19:24:21
24 Dec 2022
@stoop0004:matrix.org@stoop0004:matrix.org joined the room.09:56:45
@stoop0004:matrix.org@stoop0004:matrix.org joined the room.09:56:59
@stoop0004:matrix.org@stoop0004:matrix.org left the room.09:57:03
25 Dec 2022
@_discord_1056601582420107294:t2bot.iofuhonjud joined the room.15:57:47
@_discord_1051758929627066388:t2bot.ioyungglxcier joined the room.16:20:16
@_discord_754983697182359625:t2bot.iom0rph3us_#0 changed their display name from Morpheus to Morpheus#2998.19:50:54
@_discord_754983697182359625:t2bot.iom0rph3us_#0 changed their display name from Morpheus#2998 to Morpheus.19:50:58
26 Dec 2022
@_discord_794828503417225226:t2bot.ioKeni joined the room.01:43:53
27 Dec 2022
@brieflyterrible:envs.net@brieflyterrible:envs.net joined the room.20:48:35
@brieflyterrible:envs.net@brieflyterrible:envs.net left the room.20:50:58
28 Dec 2022
@_discord_711894021412225077:t2bot.ioaartvandelayy joined the room.13:55:47
@_discord_539837145993707552:t2bot.ioDeleted User 21ffe041 joined the room.20:41:13
@_discord_78870023283675136:t2bot.ioGobtip joined the room.22:18:19

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