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11 Mar 2023
@_discord_853836808570798080:t2bot.ioanimelover joined the room.18:04:49
12 Mar 2023
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g EU is doomed
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g also wtf
@desktop-ebook-defiling:matrix.orgPoeticFever27943578Better read the ToS for your medical insurance companies I guess. I wonder if there's a course on how to interpret ToS vague terms17:56:15
In reply to @_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.io
EU is doomed
If it passes
@purplebored:matrix.org@purplebored:matrix.organd i dont think it will17:56:49
@purplebored:matrix.org@purplebored:matrix.orgits to controversial17:56:57
In reply to @_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.io
also wtf
Holy cow that's a mental health startup, not medical insurance company
@desktop-ebook-defiling:matrix.orgPoeticFever27943578I think this speaks to the fact that data shouldn't be collected in the first place via trackers, because bugs/mistakes will happen18:03:19
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 oh my god 18:18:05
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 text doesnt send woth stickers 18:18:13
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 lemme resend 18:18:15
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 austria and germany after opposing chat control 18:19:56
@reburial5964:envs.netspec (inactive) changed their display name from recognito to spec.23:10:46
@reburial5964:envs.netspec (inactive) changed their profile picture.23:10:54
13 Mar 2023
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 and always remember, you can always retrofit your ente account into being an end to end encrypted messenger app by creating a shared album and uploading text screenshots 06:50:55
@joeldebruijn:matrix.orgjoeldebruijnDoes Entered render SVG images? Otherwise even a Notepad text editor would be possible. 07:01:57
@_discord_516689579726864426:t2bot.iofr_g They'll probably need ente to also have a backdoor since it's to combat cp (atleast that's their excuse) 07:05:57
@_discord_782357693054189658:t2bot.ioJD221 joined the room.07:17:23
In reply to @joeldebruijn:matrix.org
Does Entered render SVG images?
Otherwise even a Notepad text editor would be possible.
Not yet 🫠
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0 whats an entered 11:36:49
@_discord_771694054424969217:t2bot.iograhamw joined the room.14:25:39
@joeldebruijn:matrix.orgjoeldebruijnEnte with a typo because of auto correct 😏😎15:45:40
Download image0.png
@_discord_406182996098547717:t2bot.ioLarvs Even worse, It was Jeremy Hunt working with HSBC. 17:14:39
@_discord_755481573046091808:t2bot.ionc0877#0 joined the room.17:18:20
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 It's a steal 17:19:12
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 What happened to SVB is unfortunate, they had such a wonderful team 17:20:30
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 Mercury is now cashing in tho: https://mercury.com/vault 17:20:58
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnukvmd#0 Big brain move, splitting a single Mercury account into multiple real (?) bank accounts 😅 17:22:00

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