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27 Jan 2025
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqyes and my anus is pink 🫠️17:02:14
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC > any animals are actually people in costumes. 17:02:48
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LClol, love this part17:02:51
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LC poVoq that's kind of normal colour of non-exposed skin, yes.. pale pink? 17:03:16
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoq you didn't get the joke 17:04:00
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCpost picture so we can see the joke in question17:04:38
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqit is about saying some irrelevant truthness to distract from the assholeness of the topic17:05:14
@irc_[|LC:matrix.f-hub.org[|LC(age of consent differs by country anyway, what is underage in one country may not be in another)17:06:05
@irc_[|LC:matrix.f-hub.org[|LC (but also it's a game and isn't real) 17:06:23
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqthis is exactly what I mean 🤦‍♂️️17:07:17
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoq you probably also think Elon Musk only did a "heartfelt gesture to his fans" 🙄️ 17:09:10
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCElon is just your typical animal abuser17:09:45
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCHe just treats more animals as animals than some other animal abusers17:10:04
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️specing: this getting offtopic19:20:51
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️On the main subject, for me the main issue isn't morality but the fact that these things (probably even including everything NSFW) weird out most people19:22:28
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️If I recall correctly we already established that since minors are expected to access these rooms/channels explicit adult stuff should be avoided in general19:24:03
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️That happened during certain troll's NSFW spam/hornyposting19:24:37
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️iirc19:24:41
@irc_specing|LC:matrix.f-hub.orgspecing|LCwe need a #libregaming-no-noisytoot you say? XD19:25:23
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️

If I recall correctly we already established

And if I am just hallucinating then this is still my stance

@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️I can't find it in the log but that's still my opinion19:29:25
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️ (And for the record I do personally tolerate weird NSFW stuff as long as they are fictional) 19:30:35
@sndein:chatwave.orgsndeinI don't mind people discussing adult games but directly linking to/posting explicit screenshots probably shouldn't be allowed19:30:53
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️But I still don't think that this is the place for them19:30:59
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp12023-08 was the previous discussion, some folks did want no-nsfw rule but it wasn't consensus, no-one stepped up to enforce it, and is was specifically non-gaming. I can see why there's more interest in this game than the just out if context nsfw stuff from last time19:31:20
@sndein:chatwave.orgsndeinlinking to, say, a game's website that doesn't have the anime tiddies right up front should be fine though19:31:25
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️(In fact if we had an NSFW room/channel I probably would've been active there)19:31:30
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1But I'm definitely in agreement with poVoq's points about content deliberately skirting the line of what is technically acceptable, though I haven't cared enough to judge it for myself19:34:06
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI didn't see anything that out of place but I didn't follow the links19:35:55

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