
Memesters: GT Music & Fascination

1 Members
By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake ob meaning, and therefore our well-fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. *Libre Propriety!*1 Servers

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19 Aug 2018
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".03:36:43
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 set the room topic to "By joining, members invite direct messages from from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft.".12:47:27
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed the join rule to "public" from "invite".12:47:27
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed the room topic to "By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft." from "By joining, members invite direct messages from from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft.".12:53:21
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed the room topic to "By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well -fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft." from "By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft.".12:53:44
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥 changed the room topic to "By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore our well-fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft." from "By joining, members invite direct messages from anyone!  Memes and fascinations for the sake of meaning, and therefore well -fed souls. Advocating free culture, with freedom to copy; modify, and; redistribute, even for commercial reasons. Copyleft.".12:55:03

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