

91 Members
Intuition to Implementation19 Servers

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12 Feb 2019
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:57:17
13 Feb 2019
@vipera:matrix.orgvipera joined the room.04:46:30
14 Feb 2019
@priyanka01kumari9:matrix.orgpriyanka01kumari9 joined the room.03:09:03
@prakashhiremathm:matrix.orgprakashhiremathm joined the room.13:57:08
15 Feb 2019
@entirety:matrix.orgu6yuviImportant Update: This message is to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances at the Meetup Venue,we will not be able to hold the meetup (Session 3) at the scheduled time (10 a.m - 1.30 pm) tomorrow.We have worked through all possible plans and would like your views in helping us to take a rational decision with minimal discomfort to all.Kindly fill up the below form before 5 pm so that we can make necessary arrangements. https://goo.gl/forms/RgWQd3i8tc6cJoS53 We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.10:23:12
@ramesh.singhds:matrix.orgramesh.singhds joined the room.11:18:32
@entirety:matrix.orgu6yuviImportant Update We are happy to announce that we will continue with our Meetup tomorrow (starting at 10:30 am) at 91 Springboard Koramangala.We have updated the location and timing of the Meetup on the Meetup page. https://www.meetup.com/Entirety-ai-Intuition-to-Implementation/events/258865086/ Thank you all for your support.Looking forward to seeing you!14:22:51
16 Feb 2019
@udipta03:matrix.orgudipta03 joined the room.06:13:42
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:12:22
@riotkiran:matrix.orgriotkiranThanks Guys09:44:55

#! /usr/bin/env python
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Response
import numpy as np
from binascii import a2b_base64
import imageio
from PIL import Image
import io
import time
import ast
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

global model_states, nb_epoch #to have access later
model_states = ['Not Trained']

app = Flask(name)

model =None
#page to_train
def to_train():
return render_template('to_train.html', nb_epoch=nb_epoch)

#train the model
@app.route("/loadmodel/", methods=['GET'])
def load():
global model
class NN(nn.Module):
def init(self):
super(NN, self).init()
self.conv1L = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 3, 1)
self.conv2L = nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 3, 1)
self.FC1 = nn.Linear(5550, 500)
self.FC2 = nn.Linear(500 ,10)

	def forward(self, x):
		x = F.relu(self.conv1L(x)) #20 x 26
		x = F.max_pool2d(x, (2,2)) #20 x 13
		x = F.relu(self.conv2L(x)) #50 x 11
		x = F.max_pool2d(x, (2,2)) #50 x 5x 5
		x = x.view(-1, 50*5*5) #flatten
		x = self.FC1(x) #500
		x = self.FC2(x) #10
		return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
checkpoint = torch.load("Meetup_MNIST.pt")
model = NN()
print("model loaded")
return "Loading done"

#page where you draw the number
@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET','POST'])
def index():
if request.method == 'POST':

    dataURL = request.get_data()
    drawURL_clean = dataURL[22:]
    img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(binary_data))

return render_template('index.html', prediction=prediction)

#display prediction
def result():
img = Image.open("data_img/draw.png").convert("1")
img = transform(img)
img = torch.unsqueeze(img , 0)
prediction = inference(model , img)
return render_template("index.html",prediction=prediction)

def inference(model , img):
output = model(img)
output = torch.exp(output)
return top_class.item()

if name == "main":
app.run(debug=True, threaded=True)

@entirety:matrix.orgu6yuviDownload app.py09:48:26
@gangakrish:matrix.orggangakrish joined the room.15:06:22
17 Feb 2019
@jyothics:matrix.orgjyothics joined the room.07:10:47
@gangakrish:matrix.orggangakrishHi Team08:22:53
@gangakrish:matrix.orggangakrishCould you please send the steps to load the model?08:23:20
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:48:01
@riotkiran:matrix.orgriotkiran Hi, once you have recording of yesterday's class, please do share the link and class content as well. I missed last 30 minutes :) Thanks 09:52:16
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:53:09
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event09:54:42
18 Feb 2019
@anandgokul18:matrix.organandgokul18Hi guys, looks like the '/image' folder is not uploaded in Session 3. So, can't see any images in the ipynb files03:02:48
@anandgokul18:matrix.organandgokul18Can you add that to the gitlab Session 3 folder? Thanks :D03:04:05
@shwetag:matrix.orgshwetagDo anyone did speech recognition or speech synthesis using pytorch05:16:08
@shwetag:matrix.orgshwetagDo anyone did speech recognition or speech synthesis using pytorch05:16:30
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event11:37:56
@aman5319:matrix.org@aman5319:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event11:49:39
@amul:matrix.orgamul joined the room.14:58:33
19 Feb 2019
In reply to @aman5319:matrix.org
Hi, Is the recording available

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