
PC-Admin's Synapse Setup Guide

249 Members
Support room for: https://github.com/PC-Admin/PC-Admin-s-Synapse-Setup-Guide - Roadmap: 1) Update existing guide for 1.0. <done> 2) Debian 10 version. <done> 3) Dendrite guide. 4) Ansible script equivalent.85 Servers

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13 Oct 2019
@fjodor:sibnsk.netfjodor joined the room.20:12:52
@dagmar:matrix.kiwifarms.netdagmar joined the room.20:46:59
14 Oct 2019
@karola:kde.orgkarola joined the room.20:30:58
15 Oct 2019
@blackspruce:matrix.orgdogey joined the room.09:34:29
@ursula:tchncs.deursula joined the room.18:34:51
17 Oct 2019
@nektarios:matrix.nektarioskatakis.xyznektarios joined the room.00:25:41
18 Oct 2019
@benpa:matrix.orgbenpa changed their profile picture.10:35:49
21 Oct 2019
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19 joined the room.12:02:52
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19Which version of python is synapse using?12:06:02
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19python3.7 or python3.8?12:07:19
@PC-Admin:perthchat.orgPC-Admin good question, i'm not sure, you can ask in #synapse:matrix.org 12:07:46
In reply to @gwhkjd19:matrix.org
python3.7 or python3.8?
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19Is python3.6 ok?12:12:05
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19Which version of python is best?12:22:49
22 Oct 2019
@melea:matrix.orgVĂ­ctor | melea changed their profile picture.17:22:37
@nektarios:matrix.nektarioskatakis.xyznektarios changed their profile picture.20:00:22
28 Oct 2019
@aaron:axvigs.comaaron joined the room.03:26:18
29 Oct 2019
@nektarios:matrix.nektarioskatakis.xyznektarios left the room.19:39:41
31 Oct 2019
@carlos:hispagatos.orgcarlos joined the room.00:53:42
1 Nov 2019
@gwhkjd19:matrix.orggwhkjd19Redacted or Malformed Event17:20:46
@travis:t2l.ioTravisR gwhkjd19: seriously, please don't cross post. 17:25:12
2 Nov 2019
@PC-Admin:perthchat.orgPC-AdminRedacted, it's not really the topic of this room, also i have no idea tbh.02:08:47
4 Nov 2019
@PC-Admin:perthchat.orgPC-Admin changed their profile picture.12:26:53
@ya:matrix.allmende.ioyala changed their profile picture.15:34:09
@jaywink:federator.devjaywink changed their profile picture.17:31:45
@lrabe:matrix.netshelter.delrabe joined the room.19:20:46
@lrabe:matrix.netshelter.delrabe left the room.19:48:22

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