
Ethereum Classic

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26 Jan 2017
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccno website, poor english, and a flimsy twitter account19:57:50
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccmassive P&D too me19:58:04
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TB3JC01:matrix.orgbitnovostiPolo pumpers periodically pumps altcoin-du-jour to fleece impressionable noobs who follow blindly into the pump. It's their game, indeed.19:59:33
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccbut man, if you bought 5btc worth yesterday, you'd have 20 now20:02:58
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaI could do the same thing on Satoshi dice. 20:03:49
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccwow its almost at partiy to etc...20:04:18
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaIs it shortable?20:04:45
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccno just spot20:06:40
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccif i weren't holding etc i'd might want to play pasc coin20:07:20
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaQuick someone create loyalty token. get one loyalty token for each ETC from contract20:08:00
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccits kind of fun to wtach20:09:30
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjoncchere come the drops20:09:32
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccpolo troll box is so toxic20:10:42
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaYeah it's like we're revisiting all over again. I remember jumping all over Cloakcoin. Cloakcoin and Secure coin had a war cuz they both launched around the same time20:11:35
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaA coin really need solid people behind it. Regardless what it does20:12:18
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccwell, for every winner there is a loser20:13:50
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U2UQ6KT0D:matrix.orgjonccits always exciting when you see monero-like pumps 🙂20:14:10
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaYeah it's the flavor of the month20:14:25
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1V49UNLW:matrix.orgsinzparity with etc20:17:14
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1V49UNLW:matrix.orgsinz@U1V49UNLW|sinz uploaded a file: Pasted image at 2017-01-26, 8:17 PM20:17:41
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaFlash in the pan.20:19:49
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U1TECN64D:matrix.orgetherninjaI'm not so sure it's a zero-sum game. At least for the miners. Although the algorithm weakens other networks, I would assume by deflecting hashing you create a broader cryptocoin monetary base for the GPU miners. but I really dont know.20:29:30
@_slack_ethereumclassic_U3K1WQW2G:matrix.orgmiti joined the room.20:31:35

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