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Sending matrix messages using shell scripts. Check it out over on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/darnir/matrix-shell-suite. Documentation: https://darnir.gitlab.io/matrix-shell-suite/index.html36 Servers

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5 Aug 2019
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.iomaybe just add a line to the readme explaining where the files users are interested in are19:37:41
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz I plan to provide an install target for make soon. Allowing you to install the scripts into /usr/bin or similar 19:37:50
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzI shall! Thanks for the input.19:38:08
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.ioanother bit of input: a script that wraps around curl to let you call the matrix API easily would be nice19:38:54
In reply to @darnir:talk.go7box.xyz
I plan to provide an install target for make soon. Allowing you to install the scripts into /usr/bin or similar
This just needs some refactoring to account for the location of sourced scripts.
In reply to @swedneck:permaweb.io
another bit of input: a script that wraps around curl to let you call the matrix API easily would be nice
That's exactly what this does?
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.ioi mean a general script19:39:23
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzTo call which API?19:39:33
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.ionot specifically for logging in etc19:39:38
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.ioi guess the other option is to have specific scripts for each API call19:41:00
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzI don't follow. You want a script that does what exactly?19:41:23
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzThe scripts I'm trying to provide make it easy to do common things. It's not necessarily a 1:1 mapping to the API19:41:54
@swedneck:permaweb.ioswedneck:permaweb.iowell the server-server api is definitely not needed :P19:42:15
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzAnd it's not implemented either19:42:26
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat darnir: on its way (actually already in my repo) just need to read up on some things before the actual MR 21:33:24
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite] AppAraat opened merge request Removed "set -o pipefail" (!5) 23:20:12
6 Aug 2019
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatman, Gitlab is lacking some features IMO. First I can't see all of the MRs I started, and when I get a comment on a MR that I started, I only get an e-mail notification and no mention of it in the web UI.22:58:24
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatoh wait I just had to filter on me as author: https://gitlab.com/dashboard/merge_requests?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=all&author_username=AppA23:05:15
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat darnir: btw (and I know this is probably a pipe dream of mine), but what do you think about me attempting to replace dependency on jq ? 23:10:26
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzSure. How would you approach it though?23:15:12
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzI wanted the scripts to be purely POSIX. But had to settle for jq as a dependency.23:15:32
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz Parsing json is quite hard. You can do it with sed and awk. But it's difficult, unmaintainable and error prone 23:16:57
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat yeah I was thinking sed & awk, since they're already present on most (all?) POSIX systems. However, doing that would indeed certainly not be easy. Perhaps add sed & awk as a fallback if jq is not found? 23:40:23
10 Aug 2019
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammr moved to a different home server
Als Antwort auf @AppAraat:matrix.org
yeah I was thinking sed & awk, since they're already present on most (all?) POSIX systems. However, doing that would indeed certainly not be easy. Perhaps add sed & awk as a fallback if jq is not found?
You mean, write a jq.sh script that does what jq does but in plain POSIX?
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatOr just replace singular instances of jq with custom sed & awk lines. There are not many places now where jq is used but maybe it might grow in the future.11:47:07
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzMore complex and interesting uses of jq are possible. And maybe we should use it.11:48:04
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzProvide better output to the user11:48:34
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatthat might depend perhaps, is MSS supposed to be used interactively, or is it strictly to be used in automated fashion (like I'm going to do by sending transactional messages from my server, replacing e-mail alerts and the like)11:51:40

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