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Sending matrix messages using shell scripts. Check it out over on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/darnir/matrix-shell-suite. Documentation: https://darnir.gitlab.io/matrix-shell-suite/index.html36 Servers

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10 Aug 2019
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat for users that might want to use matrix in the terminal interactively, wouldn't weechat-matrix be a better solution? 11:53:05
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzIn a way I agree.11:56:56
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzAnd now that I think about it. Machine readability should be more important for MSS.11:57:23
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzI originally started this project as a way to test new installations.11:57:38
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz I didn't want to make the rest api calls manually. But even for testing, I probably want to see the entire response clearly 11:58:15
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatfair point12:01:30
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatalso something to consider is what features might be planned in the future12:04:50
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite] Darshit Shah merged merge request Removed "set -o pipefail" (!5) 13:28:58
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite#master] 2 new commits by Darshit Shah 13:29:02
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Merge branch 'fix/remove_pipefail' into 'master' (...) (24e7dfb0)
  • Removed "set -o pipefail" (...) (c10d882d)
11 Aug 2019

darnir: are both wget and curl dependencies? Or is it possible to install only one of them? Because on my FBSD server I don't have wget installed:

$ sh src/matrix-login
Command wget not found in $PATH
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzIt's either / or15:34:57
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzCreate a config file and set the client to curl-15:35:11
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz I believe even exporting HTTP_CLIENT=curl will do the trick 15:36:00
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatI'm unfamiliar with how a config file should work (where can I read more about it?) so I'll try the var method15:38:39
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzYeah, I should document that. I haven't done it yet.15:40:18
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz utils/optparse.sh shows how the config file is handled. 15:40:50
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzI'll soon add some documentation for it15:40:57
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatcool, I'll take a look and if it's clear enough to me then I can also try to help with some documentation if you want15:41:39
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzThat would be highly appreciated!15:42:04
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat ok, I'll see what I can do. Also, the docs link in the title only lists docs for the cookie.sh: https://i.imgur.com/uNmsDpR.png 15:48:25
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite#master] 1 new commit by Darshit Shah 15:58:53
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Fix bug in Doxyfile.in that prevented docs from being generated (0f001eb7)
In reply to @AppAraat:matrix.org
ok, I'll see what I can do. Also, the docs link in the title only lists docs for the cookie.sh: https://i.imgur.com/uNmsDpR.png
Fixed. Thanks for the report
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatand thank you for the quick fix :)15:59:48
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzOnce the pipelines are done, it should be fine. Was a stupid error on my part16:02:24
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatare you planning to use Gitlab's CI/CD for that?16:04:53
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzAlready am.16:05:35
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyz@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzThe pages are automatically updated on each push16:05:47
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatoh, interesting. I'll take a look at that later.16:05:50

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