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Sending matrix messages using shell scripts. Check it out over on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/darnir/matrix-shell-suite. Documentation: https://darnir.gitlab.io/matrix-shell-suite/index.html37 Servers

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11 Aug 2019
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnirThat would be highly appreciated!15:42:04
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat ok, I'll see what I can do. Also, the docs link in the title only lists docs for the cookie.sh: https://i.imgur.com/uNmsDpR.png 15:48:25
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite#master] 1 new commit by Darshit Shah 15:58:53
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Fix bug in Doxyfile.in that prevented docs from being generated (0f001eb7)
In reply to @AppAraat:matrix.org
ok, I'll see what I can do. Also, the docs link in the title only lists docs for the cookie.sh: https://i.imgur.com/uNmsDpR.png
Fixed. Thanks for the report
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatand thank you for the quick fix :)15:59:48
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnirOnce the pipelines are done, it should be fine. Was a stupid error on my part16:02:24
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatare you planning to use Gitlab's CI/CD for that?16:04:53
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnirAlready am.16:05:35
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnirThe pages are automatically updated on each push16:05:47
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatoh, interesting. I'll take a look at that later.16:05:50
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat TIL a here string is not POSIX compatible, so I just did: echo "<message>" | sh src/matrix-post-message '!<room_ID>:matrix.org' <cookie_file> 16:25:10
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnir Probably won't work. That's a work in progress. I'll try to implement it in a day or two. 16:26:20
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatbut it did!16:26:30
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnir That's good.. I thought I hadn't handled that case yet 16:26:57
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatthe input can just be stdin: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2878620716:29:05
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraat ok, so I've successfully tested MSS on FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p9, now all that's left is to test out e2ee with pantalaimon 16:31:57
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [Darshit Shah/Matrix Shell Suite#master] 1 new commit by Darshit Shah 19:26:01
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Update the documentation for matrix-post-message (cd8b0942)
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatdo you happen to know what I should do with this? https://paste.debian.net/plain/109537720:53:59
@darnir:talk.go7box.xyzdarnirNope. I've not used pantalaimon in the past.21:06:30
@AppAraat:matrix.orgAppAraatah, so you also haven't tested it with MSS?21:26:03
25 Aug 2019
@excoseher7:matrix.orgexcoseher7 joined the room.04:30:31
@excoseher7:matrix.orgexcoseher7 left the room.04:30:40
29 Aug 2019
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett changed their profile picture.17:44:32
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett changed their profile picture.17:48:50
@bobfett:flobob.ovhbobfett changed their profile picture.17:50:57
5 Sep 2019
@tigern:iam.misconfused.orgTigern joined the room.10:45:35

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